Subject: Start From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sat May 7 15:28:38 1994 Return-Path: with WordPerfect_Office; Sat, 07 May 1994 14:26:30 -0400 Message-Id: X-Mailer: WordPerfect Office 4.0 Date: Sat, 07 May 1994 15:22:15 -0400 From: To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: HW-8 manual Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Steve, Our screwy mailserver here keeps bouncing my email messages addressed to you. A problem we can work out someday soon. Copied the HW-8 manual, will be posted Saturday or Monday AM. Glad to help. Keep me up to date on your progress. See you on the air. John N3PFF From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sat May 7 22:43:24 1994 Return-Path: id AA07847; Sat, 7 May 94 16:39:47 HST id AA03427; Sat, 7 May 94 16:42:57 HST Date: Sat, 7 May 94 16:42:56 HST From: Jeffrey Herman To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: 160M Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Anyone ever used an AM bcst band rcvr on 160M? It would be child's play to shift it 500kc and to add a BFO. I've got this urge to play on 160M. A simple xmtr and the above type rcvr (and lots of antenna wire) sounds like fun. In 18 years of being licensed I've never been on 160 - anyone got any stories to tell (propagation, noise, activity)? Jeff NH6IL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sun May 8 02:27:33 1994 Return-Path: id AA27478; Sat, 7 May 94 23:27:12 PDT id AA19582; Sat, 7 May 94 23:27:11 PDT id AA11678; Sat, 7 May 94 23:28:55 PDT Date: Sat, 7 May 1994 23:18:58 -0700 (PDT) From: stark Subject: Re: 160M To: Jeffrey Herman Cc: QRP@Think.COM In-Reply-To: Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk On Sat, 7 May 1994, Jeffrey Herman wrote: > > Anyone ever used an AM bcst band rcvr on 160M? It would be child's play > to shift it 500kc and to add a BFO. > > I've got this urge to play on 160M. A simple xmtr and the above type rcvr > (and lots of antenna wire) sounds like fun. > > In 18 years of being licensed I've never been on 160 - anyone got any > stories to tell (propagation, noise, activity)? > > Jeff NH6IL Hi Jeff, I used a AM BC/ShortWave rx with a home brew bfo as my first rx back in 1953! First rig was a 6ag7 xtal osc. Used that on 40m for a long time. Used a car radio for 160 way back then also. Forget the tx but had to be something simple. During the 160m contests I used to run about 5 to 10 watts into my 40m phased verticals and check out all the big guns rx antennas. Like W0ZV. He could hear a pin drop! Easy to put out a good signal. The problem is in hearing anything through the noise. Work on 160 long enough and you will learn what "imagnary" contacts are! Read the book by ON4UN, Low-Band DXing. It's the best book for low band ideas I've seen. (It's an ARRL book). Have fun, 73's ........................KU7Y........................ .................Monte "Ron" Stark.................. .................Sun Valley, Nevada................. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sun May 8 08:58:29 1994 Return-Path: (Soft-Switch Central V4L380P3); 08 May 1994 08:59:08 EST Message-Id: <..0000.1994 05080859 0859> Date: 08 May 1994 08:59:08 EST From: "Central Postmaster" Subject: Mail Delivery Status Apparently-To: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk ***** Error in Mail Delivery ***** SNADS SYSTEM ERROR Recipients: BL15B.JHEISE@IC1D.HARRIS.COM From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sun May 8 10:35:33 1994 Return-Path: ( id AA04863; Sun, 8 May 1994 10:35:19 -0400 From: X-Mailer: America Online Mailer Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Sun, 08 May 94 10:35:17 EDT Subject: 160 meters Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Jeff NH6IL WRITES >I've got this urge to play on 160M. A simple xmtr and the above type >rcvr >(and lots of antenna wire) sounds like fun. >In 18 years of being licensed I've never been on 160 - anyone got >any >stories to tell (propagation, noise, activity)? >Jeff NH6IL Well Jeff, I wasn't able to wrk CQ 160 m contest this year, but last year I used a TS-820, a 40 meter dipole fed with RG-8 (that's a 1/8 wave antenna) and was able to work Costa Rica! 160 is fun, but I don't even try in the summer except on FD. I've been thinking about building a 5 W tx for the "gentleman's band". With all the power transistors that have an Ft of >20 MHz, I should have fun designing this one. Let me know how your bc band conversion goes for RX, and I'll keep you posted on TX if you like. 73, Jim N0OCT From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sun May 8 18:09:08 1994 Return-Path: id AA07610; Sun, 8 May 94 12:05:37 HST id AA29893; Sun, 8 May 94 12:08:59 HST Date: Sun, 8 May 94 12:08:59 HST From: Jeffrey Herman To:, QRP@Think.COM Subject: 160M Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Did any company ever manufacture a 160M-only xmtr? Anyone on the net have one? Jeff NH6IL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sun May 8 22:58:44 1994 Return-Path: Date: Sun, 8 May 1994 20:57:14 -0600 (MDT) From: To: qrp@Think.COM Cc: Message-Id: <> Subject: 160 Meters Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk On the receive end, I once built a little 455kHz oscillator using one of the 455 kHz ceramic resonators that Radio Shack used to sell. I just used a "gimmick" capacitor to lightly couple it into the mixer of a cheap multi-band AM portable. Worked quite well for casual listening. As far as using a converted BCB RX for 160m, I would guess that it would severely lack selectivity. I have been using my Kenmore :-) R-1000 for 160, and even with the 2.5 kHz filter that I installed to replace the absurdly wide factory filter, it is still too wide in some instances. Bought one of the new Radio Shack DSP filters lately, and it has added the needed selectivity to be ably (darn) able to copy close-together CW signals. Hmmm...guess that leads me to conclude that you *might* be able to get along with the BCB RX with some outboard audio filtering. Oh, yes, I think that Dan's Small Parts carries the 455 kHz resonators. On the transmit end, I have been having reasonable luck with my little home brew TX, which is based on a couple of ideas from "Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur." I run about 1.5 watts out, and have worked as far away as southern California and New Mexico (about 850 miles). I think 160 is a lot of fun, although we are starting to get to the time of year when the band doesn't open until very late (by my standards ;-)) and atmospheric noise is high. But it's never too early to start planning for next fall/winter!!! I have sent info and schematic for the rig to several of the ops on the 'net... let me know if you would like a copy. 73, Bill, KR8L/7 ( From qrp-admin@Think.COM Sun May 8 23:02:29 1994 Return-Path: id AA18001; Sun, 8 May 94 16:58:49 HST id AA08752; Sun, 8 May 94 17:02:15 HST Date: Sun, 8 May 94 17:02:15 HST From: Jeffrey Herman To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: projects 1-16 Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk If some of the newer subscribers haven't received the QRP xmtr circuits I've been posting for the last year please let me know immediately; I'm going to delete the file on Monday. Jeff NH6IL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 10:05:06 1994 Return-Path: Message-Id: <9405091404.AA26326@Early-Bird.Think.COM> Date: 9 May 1994 10:01:37 U From: "Bob Scott" Subject: Ten-Tec Kits To: "QRP" Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Ten-Tec Kits Back in February, when Ten-Tec first came out with their catalog, I placed an order for a SWL receiver that I want to evaluate as a project for the Radio Merit Badge. About a month after placing the order, I received a card from Ten-Tec telling me that the shipment would be delayed. Well, we are now into May and still no kit. Has anyone ordered anything from Ten-Tec and actually received it yet? I just placed a call to Ten-Tec and the particular kit I am ordering (the 1054), is not shipping yet. She said that they have just started shipping their kits in the last couple of weeks. Guess they are using the MFJ method of marketing new equipment. I guess that in a couple of months, it will be all moot. I certainly hope that they succeed with their product line. We need some more people that know which end of a soldering iron to use. 73 Bob AC4QO From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 10:17:15 1994 Return-Path: id AA08345; Mon, 9 May 1994 10:09:28 -0400 id AA10502; Mon, 9 May 94 10:09:00 EDT id AA11873; Mon, 9 May 94 10:08:59 EDT Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: Re: 160 Meters In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 08 May 94 20:57:14 MDT." <> Date: Mon, 09 May 94 10:08:57 -0400 From: "John F. Woods" Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk There was actually a couple of articles in QST a while back, by Doug Demaw, on using BC receivers as generic backends; he used a BFO built around a common IF transformer (stolen from one cheap BC chassis), replaced the diode detector with a real product detector (since AM detectors stink as product detectors) and (I think) modified the oscillator to cover 160M; then he stuck a bunch of downconverters in front of it to cover other bands. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 11:16:37 1994 Return-Path: (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for!qrp); Mon, 9 May 1994 23:16:03 +0800 id aa02544; Mon, 9 May 94 14:46:45 GMT (Smail3.1.28.1 #7) id m0q0W1S-000QB9C; Mon, 9 May 94 22:09 SST (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #4) id m0q0W3E-000GuuC; Mon, 9 May 94 22:11 SST Mon, 09 May 1994 20:07:15 SST Date: Mon, 09 May 1994 20:07:14 SST From: "W. Daniel" Message-Id: <2dce2773.pandora@pandora.uucp> Reply-To: "W. Daniel" To: pandora!qrp@Think.COM Subject: Synthesized Rigs/Kits Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi, Other than the ARK series, are there any other synthesized rigs/kits around? Is the Index QRP+ available as a kit? 73, Daniel -- +-------------+-------------------------------------+ | Daniel Wee | | ** Man needs more | UUCP1.12b | | than a new start, he | SNEWS 1.91 |!pandora!daniel | needs a new heart! ** +-------------+-------------------------------------+ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 11:41:27 1994 Return-Path: <01HC5J8A41E89FMXML@NTUVAX.NTU.AC.SG>; Mon, 9 May 1994 23:42:52 SST Date: 09 May 1994 23:42:52 +0700 (SST) From: Subject: TenTec Scout 555 To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <01HC5J8A41EA9FMXML@NTUVAX.NTU.AC.SG> X-Vms-To: IN%"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi, Has anyone here used or owned a TenTec Scout 555 with the switchable modules for various bands? I would like to know how good this rig is for the money, and things like how well does the "Jones" filter perform in practice. I would also welcome opinions and comparison between the 555 and the Index Lab's QRP Plus, in terms of real performance. I was a little put off from buying the QRP Plus after learning about the problem it had with birdies. I am looking for a reasonably cheap rig (500 or less preferably) for use as a main rig. No Icoms or Kenwoods for me I guess. What's a good investment. I now have an ARK 20, works wonderfully and I think it can compete with the commercial offerings when properly built and aligned. Tks for info in advance. 73 es 72, Daniel From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 13:03:41 1994 Return-Path: X400-Received: by mta NT.COM in /PRMD=NORTEL/ADMD= /C=US/; Relayed; Mon, 9 May 1994 16:59:59 +0000 X400-Received: by /PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/; Relayed; Mon, 9 May 1994 17:00:35 +0000 X400-Received: by /PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/; Relayed; Mon, 9 May 1994 17:01:00 +0000 Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 17:01:00 +0000 X400-Originator: X400-Recipients: non-disclosure:; X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/;mcigate.nt.198:] X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2) Content-Identifier: re:TenTec Sco... From: Message-Id: <"205 Mon May 9 12:00:40 1994"> To: Cc: qrp@Think.COM Subject: re:TenTec Scout 555 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi Daniel, I have had a Ten-Tec Scout since last September or so. I have not used it very much but it seems like good basic rig and compares well with my Ten-Tec Paragon. I have modules for 160-15 Meters, but mostly use 40-17 meters. The "Jones" filter works OK, definitely helps out for CW. Rapid band changing is not too easy, but you can change modules while the rig is on (RX). Listeners have liked the CW tone and SSB audio. ISSUES: The power output can be adjusted down via a pot but it is not very easy to get to. It would have been nice to have a 5/50 watt switch somewhere. The "Jones" filter center in the narrow position is about 500 Hz. The skirts are sharp enough that a 700 Hz tone is way down. This makes it difficult to tune for a 700 Hz offset from the station you want to work (TX offset is 700 HZ and CW sidetone is 700 HZ). My solution was to re-set the TX offset and CW sidetone to 500 HZ so they lined up with the filter center. I looked at the Index Labs last year but it was not out when I decided to go ahead and get the Scout. For QRP only ops, Ten-Tec is starting to ship the Argo 556 which is a Scout without the PA amp. It is rated for 5 watts out. 73 - Dave. ==================================================================== Dave Redfearn, SR PC LAN Analyst Northern Telecom RTP, NC. ph.(919) 992-3925 email: qrl? de N4ELM/qrp All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer, co-workers or any other person, real or imaginary. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 13:24:10 1994 Return-Path: (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0q0Z32-000wG4C; Mon, 9 May 94 10:23 PDT id AA19406; Mon, 9 May 94 10:24:02 PDT Registered: Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: K5FO in Mtn. View Date: Mon, 09 May 94 10:27:41 -0700 From: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk My apologies for posting this widely, but I don't have a Bay Area-only list of QRPers. Chuck Adams K5FO is in town this week and it seemed like a good idea to convene some QRPers to welcome him and chat. He suggested Two Guys from Italy but is open to other venues. Who might be available, say, on Wed. or Thurs. evening in the Palo Alto - Mtn. View - Sunnyvale area? I'll consolidate date and cuisine preferences and post a definitive plan to responders only. 73, /Rick From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 14:37:17 1994 Return-Path: by ( id OAA25860; Mon, 9 May 1994 14:36:54 -0400 From: David Johnson Message-Id: <> Subject: nn1g ! (RIT?) To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 14:36:51 -0400 (EDT) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Length: 804 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi gang ! I built the NN1G 20m rig/kit. It is great! Very stable and quite selective rx, and a good report from a local ham on output quality. Worked England, OK, and some other places, but seems HF condx stink lately (any others noticed this too?). Sure would like to hear from any others who are/have building/built this neat little rig. I am working on the 30m, 40m, and 80m versions now too ! Does anyone have a suggestion for adding RIT to the NN1G? I'm especially interested in any suggestions from anyone who has gotten RIT to actually work in this rig !! Best wishes to all !! -- David W. Johnson QRP is FUN !!! Amateur Extra WA4NID QRP ARCI 6546 email: G-QRP 4864 packet WA4NID@KB4WGA.NC.USA.NA NorCal QRP Club Member! From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 16:12:44 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Mon, 9 May 1994 13:11:50 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Mon, 9 May 1994 13:12:01 -0700 To: From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: QRP Plus Cc: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Daniel said: >I would also welcome opinions and comparison between the 555 and the Index >Lab's QRP Plus, in terms of real performance. I was a little put off from >buying the QRP Plus after learning about the problem it had with birdies. I met Bruce again at a recent NW QRP meeting and found out the following. Note: I am not a representaive of Index Labs and what I say here doesn't bind them! I think the QRP Plus got a bit of a bad rap from Chuck with his birdies report. Chuck returned the rig to Index Labs (the only person out of 150ish to do so) because of this problem. As someone else has reported the reports are somewhat subjective -- depending on the user. Perhaps Chuck just has higher standards (or works weaker signals) than most! Bruce has taken a look at the design and determined the birdies were coming from harmonics of the BFO and installed a low-pass filter on the output of the BFO and the birdies dropped into the noise (down by about 30dB). You can now only hear them without an antenna connected. The keyer software is almost ready. Bruce was getting user feedback from NW QRP club members at this meeting. Bruce said that originally he was going to just send out a new EPROM for the software update but he has made a number of mods to the design (which are all incorportated in production models) which he will retrofit to rigs in the field. It will mean sending the rig back to the factory. I'm sure owners of the QRP Plus will receive some information on this in the mail in the future. I think the latter shows Bruce and Stan to be commited to a quality QRP product and I think they deserve our support. Also if you ever plan to operate battery portable you will find QRP plus much more miserly on power. One of the design goals was to for a whole weekend on a 8Ah gel cell. Its RX current is much lower than the competitors. And it has a SCAF. And it can work split (with a nice UI). And it has memories. And it has a general coverage RX (but no AM detector :-( ). And you don't have to spend extra money for the additional modules. And it has a transvertor connection (for VHF/UHF mountaintoppers) As Chuck demonstrated, if you don't like the rig you can return it for a full refund. The delays of the past are gone too ... delivery time at the moment is about 1 week. It is not availible as a kit. Disclaimer: though I live in Seattle and have met Bruce and Stan several times I have no monetary interest in Index Labs. I just want them to succeed because they're nice guys, good designers and are building a unique product. I don't own a QRP Plus (yet) but am hoping to have the money to get one later in the summer. Kevin Purcell, N7WIM (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 17:22:48 1994 Return-Path: <>; Mon, 9 May 1994 16:22:43 CDT Date: Mon, 09 May 1994 16:22:43 -0500 (CDT) From: "JEFF M. GOLD" Subject: qrp plus To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: QRP X-Vms-Cc: JMG Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Well as long as we are discussing the QRP Plus, I was saving for one and sold off some equipment to purchase one. I stopped thinking about buying one after a number of people didn't seem real impressed with the SSB mode. I would love to hear more about it on SSB.. I figure my HW9 does great on CW on 10-80 (and WARC).. so if I was going to spend a bunch of money for a small portable rig, I would like it to do well on SSB. It is my understanding that the problem with SSB may be due to matching the rig with a compatible microphone.. and I think that the manufacturer was looking into offering a matching mike.. but haven't heard anymore about it. 72 Jeff, AC4HF PS.. got all 4 boards for the Oak Hills 20/40 built and should be starting on the Chasis this week. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 17:27:56 1994 Return-Path: id RAA17787; Mon, 9 May 1994 17:27:46 -0400 Date: 09 May 94 17:24:41 EDT From: Bob Gobrick WA6ERB <70466.1405@CompuServe.COM> To: Subject: Dayton QRP Ditties Message-Id: <940509212440_70466.1405_FHC42-1@CompuServe.COM> Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk TO: > Dayton Ditties - QRP Ditties that is... I always make it a habit at Dayton to run through the inside booths on opening day and gather ALL the literature I can get my hands on. While doing this I also get a quick glance at all the new offerings that always seem to be released at Dayton. Sometime later in the day I take a break from visiting the QRP hospitality suite and peruse the literature for "goodies" to scout out the next day. Well this year I didn't get any time to peruse my pile of literature so I ended up hauling it all home in one of my suitcases (yes one of three). So here's a few late Dayton QRP Ditties that I am able to sing about.. - There were some great antenna catalogues this year - in particular, the free (or almost free) catalogues from The Radio Works, Antenna West's "1994 Radio Adventure" catalog and the "Wirebook II" by the Wireman. These catalogues make for great perusing and should inspire one with some great ideas for homebrew antenna designs. - Most QRPers know about the new MFJ 9420 SSB QRP rig (I was able to convince Doug KI6DS to remove the cover from his new purchased one at the QRP hospitality suite - it looked neat inside. Also hot from MFJ was the "grid dip" attachment for the MFJ-249/259 SWR analyzer. A lot of folks missed (well they didn't have one at the MFJ booth) the new MFJ-934 cross needle meter Antenna Tuner with an Artificial Ground Tuner built in. This is a Cadillac solution to Jim W1FMR's wire-out-the-window antennas. And of course some of you may have seen at the QRP hospitality suite the new MFJ-1780 Box Fan Portable Loop Antenna - now that's a dream for you QRP road warriors. I'm wondering if that big black box is just one of those epoxy sealed dummy load antennas....actually I use an old AEA Isoloop and I can testify the small loop antennas do play (I was Newfoundland QRP winner in the 1994 Spring QRP CW Party - so what if I was the only VO1 to enter...) Finally I bought myself a MFJ-940X Menu Driven Memory Keyer that fits on top of my Bencher Keyer. This is basically an enhanced clone of the CMOS Super Keyer and it really plays well for calling CW during QRP contests. - Ramsey: I bet many of you missed again the second reincarnation of the newly cased synthesized 20 meter CW/SSB QRP (sort-of) rig from Ramsey. I couldn't get any details since Ramsey had absolutely no show literature at their multi-booths. Just to let everyone know - the price is high for this rig but a glance at the PC board tells you that it uses quality parts. Another item which I was keen to pick up on was that Ramsey offers a new Iambic key and keyer using non-moving resistance paddles. I asked if the paddles were available separately and I was told yes - I have a great QRP project for these paddles using the Ramsey "touch" lamp switch circuit board. We'll see.... - The Schurr Morse Keys were on display inside on Friday but I was never able to locate the booth again (that always happens after a beer break). These keys are beautiful works of art - Dave NN1G packaged the "mini" key version on a small box with keyer inside and it made for one fine QRP iambic keyer (albeit Dave keys with his left hand so "righties" have to turn the key upside down to use - hi). It was a novelty watching Jim W1FMR trying to operate the new Sierra rig with the new MFJ Fan Box antenna controller and keying Dave's new Schurr keyer upside-down - those New England QRP clubbers like to make things difficult. - QRP Products: Jade Products was inside the convention center with their EK01 Breadboard Prototyping Kit and Lead-Acid/Gel Cell Battery Charger. A&A Engineering had their Gary Breed K9AY QRP rig and Smart Battery Charger and were represented by ARW Company. Ten Tec had some samples of their new "kits" on display and Townsend Electronics was there again representing C.M. Howes Kits and some new lines of gear. The QRP hospitality suite was abuzz this year with offerings from S&S Engineering, RadioKit, an Index Laboratories "QRP Plus" naked - wooow, Mike's SunLight Energy System offerings and some great stuff from Kanga, Norcal, New England QRP clubs and much more. It was disappointing not seeing the new Oak Hills Research and Tejas lines but as I understand there were some last minute problems that prevented showing these new toys. So that's a wrap for the 1994 Dayton QRP Ditties. I'm sure I missed a lot more this year since I didn't spend a lot of time outdoors in the rain looking for goodies, but wait till next year.... 72's Bob VO1DRB/WA6ERB From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 19:47:14 1994 Return-Path: (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0q0f13-000MO4C; Mon, 9 May 94 16:45 PDT Date: Mon, 9 May 94 16:45:41 PST From: Mark E Gustoff Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: Re: QRP Plus on SSB / Mics Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Jeff (and others): I have a QRP Plus rig, and I'm quite pleased with it. I will be sending it back for upgrades/improvements when notified by Bruce at Index labs. I bought mine off of a friend here at work who showed me 1 of 2 that he purchased a couple months ago. I've not had it on SSB yet! I've ordered the base microphone kit from Ten-Tec Kits, and will let the net know of my results when I get the microphone, and assemble it. Other than that, I'm in the midst of building up a 17M transceiver from 624 Kits, which is going together quite nicely. Pat (of 624 Kits) now offers his Gary Breed transceiver kits with a nice case, set of knobs, and a thorough set of instructions, although the TX2 board instructions for the transmit board have a few errors that I'll be passing onto him via USPS. 73 All, Mark de WO7T ======================================================================== ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: qrp plus Author: qrp-admin@Think.COM at Internet_Gateway Date: 5/9/94 2:46 PM Well as long as we are discussing the QRP Plus, I was saving for one and sold off some equipment to purchase one. I stopped thinking about buying one after a number of people didn't seem real impressed with the SSB mode. I would love to hear more about it on SSB.. I figure my HW9 does great on CW on 10-80 (and WARC).. so if I was going to spend a bunch of money for a small portable rig, I would like it to do well on SSB. It is my understanding that the problem with SSB may be due to matching the rig with a compatible microphone.. and I think that the manufacturer was looking into offering a matching mike.. but haven't heard anymore about it. 72 Jeff, AC4HF PS.. got all 4 boards for the Oak Hills 20/40 built and should be starting on the Chasis this week. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 22:53:58 1994 Return-Path: id AA24618; Mon, 9 May 94 16:49:11 HST id AA07932; Mon, 9 May 94 16:53:00 HST Date: Mon, 9 May 94 16:53:00 HST From: Jeffrey Herman To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: QRP Projects Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Gang: I was overwhelmed by all the requests for my QRP xmtr file today. I am very happy that there is a desire to build `from scratch' - I see so much kit-talk on the net these days that we should rename the group to or some such thing... I don't want to delete my file until someone can put it in an available ftp site - any takers? Jeff NH6IL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Mon May 9 23:29:43 1994 Return-Path: <>; Mon, 9 May 1994 23:28:57 EDT Date: Mon, 09 May 1994 23:28:57 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: RadioKit 40 Sold - TNX To: QRP@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: INTERNET"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Thanks to all who have replied to my ad for the RadioKit. Even as you are reading this post the RadioKit is on a big brown bus heading to North Carolina. Again - TNX to all who asked about this kit. Bob - WA4ZID From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 00:43:57 1994 Return-Path: (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for!qrp); Tue, 10 May 1994 12:43:22 +0800 id aa06770; Tue, 10 May 94 4:42:08 GMT (Smail3.1.28.1 #7) id m0q0j44-000QASC; Tue, 10 May 94 12:05 SST (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #4) id m0q0iJo-000GuuC; Tue, 10 May 94 11:17 SST Tue, 10 May 1994 22:39:18 SST Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 22:39:17 SST From: "W. Daniel" Message-Id: <2dcf9c96.pandora@pandora.uucp> Reply-To: "W. Daniel" To: pandora!qrp@Think.COM Subject: Radiokit QRP-20 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi, I have built the Radiokit QRP-20 and would like to hear from others who have done the same. I find that there are some birdies which I would like to try and eliminate and was wondering if this has already been done as a mod. Also there seems to be a lot of hiss in the audio. Is this a common problem or is it just me? Tks. 73, Daniel -- +-------------+-------------------------------------+ | Daniel Wee | | ** Man needs more | UUCP1.12b | | than a new start, he | SNEWS 1.91 |!pandora!daniel | needs a new heart! ** +-------------+-------------------------------------+ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 01:08:13 1994 Return-Path: id AA00450; Mon, 9 May 94 22:06:23 PDT Date: Mon, 9 May 94 22:06:23 PDT From: (Doug Hendricks) Message-Id: <> To: Qrp@Think.COM Subject: May NorCal QRP Meeting Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Vic Black kindly wrote the following for me as I was in Dayton the Sunday of the meeting. Thank you Vic for doing me a big favor. Now I know why the rest of you who are NorCal members and can't attend meetings like to read these. It makes you feel like you were there!! May Nor Cal QRP Meeting About 25 avid QRPer's showed up at the May Nor Cal Meeting. Attendance was down somewhat because several club members traveled to the Dayton, Ohio Hamvention. They have promised lots of show and tell at the June meeting. Each meeting brings something new and exciting. April saw an invasion of hard core DXer's with truly wondrous Nor Cal 40 mods. The May meeting saw 160 meter enthusiasts with refreshing antenna ideas. Since last meeting, Mike Collins, KC6SEG, has acquired a new lathe from Doug Hendricks, KI6DS. He used the lathe to wind several more prototype coils for his DK3 Allband, Auto tune 3-30 MHz antenna. The antenna works so well in his pick up truck that Mike decided to use one at home. He covered it with camouflage tape from an archery hunting store and hung the whole thing in a tall tree. Voila! A remotely tuned, invisible, multi-band antenna waiting for a Nor Cal Sierra 5 rig to show it's stuff. Stan Cooper, K4DRD, provided a stack of handouts listing QRP related parts and kit suppliers. Just the thing to take back to our QRO clubs. Remember to help stamp out QRM by telling a friend about QRP. James Williams, KI6JD, stopped off on his way to see the scheduled total solar eclipse in New Mexico. He showed his Idiom Press CMOS II Super Keyer kit. He also made a Ramsey Kit FM broadcast band transmitter. It's designed to transmit to any quiet channel from 88-108 MHz and is usually used in schools, dormitories, etc as a very restricted local, unlicensed broadcast band station radiating a few milliwatts. James plans to use it to transmit music from a portable CD player into his truck stereo system. It also works well with the Nor Cal 40 or a VHF/UHF HT. Another good use for the kit would be to monitor action on the QRP frequencies with a transistor FM radio as you go about other business at home. If you've attended all the club meetings this year, you've seen Nor Cal 40's with higher power, improved keying wave forms, improved AGC recovery time, extended tuning range, 3-step 150kHz tuning range and vernier main tuning controls. You've seen them converted to 30 meter operation, with digital frequency counters, built in keyers, built in audio amps and speakers, and even built in RF preamps and receive only telescoping scanner antennas. I can't forget to mention the transmitter offset for split frequency operation, the bargraph S-meter, ATU's with power meters and VSWR meters, LED's to indicate Power On, XMIT and RIT and the various mechanical strengthening schemes. Not much else can be done, right? Wrong! The May meeting saw a Nor Cal 40 with an ominous black heat sink and slide switch mounted to the top cover. What's the switch for? Oh, that's the 5W/50W switch, of course! It would be great to mark the two switch positions as "Less is More" and "More is Less" fun, HI, HI. Remember to drop in at the California Burger Restaurant at the Santa Rita exit of I-580 north off Livermore, after the Livermore Swap at 11:00 on the first Sunday of the month. Since several clubs I know of are looking for places to meet, it would be nice to thank the restaurant for hosting our group. What will the June meeting bring for our QRP pleasure? Stay tuned! de Vic Black, AB6SO From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 01:09:13 1994 Return-Path: id AA00453; Mon, 9 May 94 22:07:26 PDT Date: Mon, 9 May 94 22:07:26 PDT From: (Doug Hendricks) Message-Id: <> To: Qrp@Think.COM Subject: 40-40 kit Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Gang, I have just finished building my second New England Club project, the 40-40, which is the rig on 40 meters. It is a cw transceiver and is designed by that most famous resident of Newington, Dave Benson, NN1G. This rig also took right off from the start. Worked right out of the box, tune up was a snap and it sounds great. Nice quiet receiver, reminds me of the NorCal 40 and that is high praise, since I was a beta tester of the NorCal 40 and was there when it was born. Jim Fitton said that there was going to be another run of the kits. Here is the lowdown, they cost $40 plus $1.95 shipping. Send your order to: Paul Kranz, W1CFI 26 Mettacornett Path Harvard, MA 01451 Hurry, because they are going to ship by the 15th of June, and they were only doing 50 kits in the second run. If you missed out on the NorCal 40, if you have always wanted to build a kit but didn't want to sink big bucks into it, this is your chance. If you are worried about instructions, worry no more. It comes with an outstanding manual, that gives easy to follow instructions. If you are thinking about building the Sierra and want some practice with an easier kit, this is the one to order. It is cheap, and easy, plus if I can get it to work, anyone can. My congratulations again to the guys on the "other" coast, they have done it!! By the way, I am member #182, so I can take some pride in this project, although I had nothing to do with it, darn. This message is for information only, and I received no reimbursement or consideration for writing this. CuL, 72, Doug, KI6DS From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 07:13:56 1994 Return-Path: id AA07876; Tue, 10 May 94 07:17:29 -0400 Reply-To: hysell@Kodak.COM id AA12915; Tue, 10 May 94 07:15:49 EDT Date: Tue, 10 May 94 07:15:49 EDT From: hysell@Kodak.COM (John D. Hysell) Message-Id: <9405101115.AA12915@runner.Kodak.COM> To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: Yaesu -FT840 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Daniel said: I am looking for a reasonably cheap rig (500 or less preferably) for use as a main rig. No Icoms or Kenwoods for me I guess. Well, if you look at the price you will pay for the Scout plus a mic and a few band modules, you will exceed $700 (TEN-TEC's recent ad boosted the Scout price to $595 - used to be $495 - unless the ad I saw was a mis-print...) If you can stand $725, you should look at the Yaesu FT-840. I picked one up from Ham Radio Outlet last month, and just can't say enough good things about it. There is a very complete review in this month's CQ magazine - check it out! In the nutshell, it covers all the HF bands, CW, AM and SSB, 10 to 100 watts adjustable, is small, light, and can be mounted under the dash if you like. LCD panel makes it suitable for field day operations in sunlight. It includes a decent hand mic. I found the CW filter was not narrow enough, and bought the optional tighter one. It has 100 memory channels and scanning built in. FM repeater access on 10M is an option. It also doubles as a general coverage reciever. I was also considering the Scout, but went this direction after I added up the final price I was likely to pay for a complete Scout-based station. Operating CW on the FT-840 for the last month got me a 100% on my 13WPM exam last week - GENERAL CLASS, here I come... 73 de N2VTK John From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 07:52:21 1994 Return-Path: X400-Received: by mta NT.COM in /PRMD=NORTEL/ADMD= /C=US/; Relayed; Tue, 10 May 1994 11:51:03 +0000 X400-Received: by /PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/; Relayed; Tue, 10 May 1994 11:51:41 +0000 X400-Received: by /PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/; Relayed; Tue, 10 May 1994 11:53:00 +0000 Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 11:53:00 +0000 X400-Originator: X400-Recipients: non-disclosure:; X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/;mcigate.nt.652:] X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2) Content-Identifier: re:TenTec Sco... From: Message-Id: <"23663 Tue May 10 06:51:48 1994"> To: daniel@Think.COM Cc: qrp@Think.COM Subject: re:TenTec Scout 555 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk By CW sidetone, I ment the audio tone produced when the rig is keyed in transmit mode. Transmit CW sidetone may be a better term for it. The "Jones" filter is an adjustable IF crystal filter. Yep, there is not much price difference between the 556 and 555. Since I operate a lot of QRP I would like to have the 555 switchable 5/50 watts. I have looked at a couple of ideas, one being to bypass the PA module which works except that the power output then varies from 3 - 10 watts by band module , not really too great for offical QRP contests. Well, I'll keep trying. ==================================================================== Dave Redfearn, SR PC LAN Analyst Northern Telecom RTP, NC. ph.(919) 992-3925 email: qrl? de N4ELM/qrp All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer, co-workers or any other person, real or imaginary. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 07:52:59 1994 Return-Path: X400-Received: by mta NT.COM in /PRMD=NORTEL/ADMD= /C=US/; Relayed; Tue, 10 May 1994 11:51:25 +0000 X400-Received: by /PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/; Relayed; Tue, 10 May 1994 11:52:01 +0000 X400-Received: by /PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/; Relayed; Tue, 10 May 1994 11:53:00 +0000 Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 11:53:00 +0000 X400-Originator: X400-Recipients: non-disclosure:; X400-Mts-Identifier: [/PRMD=NT/ADMD=MCI/C=US/;mcigate.nt.689:] X400-Content-Type: P2-1984 (2) Content-Identifier: re:TenTec Sco... From: Message-Id: <"23696 Tue May 10 06:52:05 1994"> To: Cc: qrp@Think.COM Subject: re:TenTec Scout 555 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk The only change in the Argo over the Scout is the elimination of the PA module. So it should be about 500 - 600 ma on RX and 4.5 - 5 amps on TX, about the same as a Scout turned down. I have not actually seen an Argo or it's manual yet, this is just based on phone conversations with Ten-Tec. ==================================================================== Dave Redfearn, SR PC LAN Analyst Northern Telecom RTP, NC. ph.(919) 992-3925 email: qrl? de N4ELM/qrp All opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer, co-workers or any other person, real or imaginary. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 10:35:28 1994 Return-Path: From: Gary M Diana Message-Id: <> X-Authentication-Warning: Host localhost didn't use HELO protocol To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: 160m discussion Date: Tue, 10 May 94 10:39:22 -0400 X-Mts: smtp Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hello All - With the recent flurry of talk about the 160m band and building converters, I thought I would add to the discussion. I have been listening quite a bit to 160m on a modified NN1G rig. Since the activity on 160m is sparse at best, you get used to the W1AW schedule for testing your receiver. Anyway, what prompted this note was that the band conditions last evening between 8pm and 11pm EST were excellent, i.e. low/no noise, and good propogation as evidenced by hearing more than 1 station 8^). I heard w1aw, a 0, some 2's, a 3, a 4, an 8, and a VE station (all CW). All these were heard using a 10-40m trap vertical. I still don't have an antenna for 160, but last night would have been a good time to test the transmit ability of the NN1G rig. Anyway, I hope to have the rig and a proper antenna ready for field day, should propagation and noise be favorable. 73, gary n2jgu From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 10:41:38 1994 Return-Path: id AA11883; Tue, 10 May 94 07:38:19 PDT id AA02113; Tue, 10 May 94 07:38:17 PDT ( id AA05343; Tue, 10 May 1994 09:35:45 -0500 From: Randall Rhea Posted-Date: Tue, 10 May 94 9:35:45 CDT Received-Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 09:35:45 -0500 Message-Id: <9405101435.AA05343@atlas> Subject: Kenwood TS-50S To: hysell@Kodak.COM Date: Tue, 10 May 94 9:35:45 CDT Cc: QRP@Think.COM In-Reply-To: <9405101115.AA12915@runner.Kodak.COM>; from "John D. Hysell" at May 10, 94 7:15 am X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11] Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Speaking of rigs ... does anyone have experience with the Kenwood TS-50s? I believe that the power can be reduced to 5W without modifying the rig, right? This seems to be the ideal solution for mobile QRP, since the rig is so small. Also, what does the "S" stand for in "TS-50S"? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Randall Rhea Informix Software, Inc. Sales Engineer From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 13:11:46 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Tue, 10 May 1994 10:10:56 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 10:11:14 -0700 To: qrp@Think.COM From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: QRPer and Mac Developers Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I'm curious if there are any QRPer who are also Mac developers? If you will be attending the WWDC in San Jose next week send me some mail. It would be fun to meet up. Kevin Purcell, N7WIM (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 13:14:13 1994 Return-Path: From: id KAA16952; Tue, 10 May 1994 10:12:54 -0700 Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 10:12:53 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Yaesu -FT840 To: "John D. Hysell" Cc: QRP@Think.COM In-Reply-To: <9405101115.AA12915@runner.Kodak.COM> Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi, gang I too went through much the same mental gymnastics between the Ten Tec and the Yaesu, and with the recent Scout increase and the great sale on the 840, my mind was made up. Chalk up another expense on the Visa card fellowship! I haven't checked this out yet, but I believe the 840's output can be reduced to about 3 watts via the rf power control on the front panel. Of course, with my indoor, first floor studio apartment dipole gracefully wrapped several times around my ceiling, my erp is probably about that at qro! Matt KN6CR UC Berkeley From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 13:26:01 1994 Return-Path: by ( id NAA21423; Tue, 10 May 1994 13:25:31 -0400 From: David Johnson Message-Id: <> Subject: NN1G rig To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 13:25:29 -0400 (EDT) Cc: X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Length: 1365 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk To Brien Pepperdine, VE3VAW, and others interested in the NN1G rigs : The articles by NN1G Dave Benson are: A Superhet Transceiver for 20 Meters. The QRP Quarterly, January 1993, pp. 12-14. Putting the NN1G Transceiver on 80/40/30 Meters. The QRP Quarterly, January 1994, pp. 8-11. In the first article, NN1G offers to send a package of info & parts layout, for SASE to his address: 80 East Robbins Ave., Newington, CT 06111. By the way, the QQ is the newsletter of the QRP ARCI (club). I'll post info on joining later. Also some good info on the NE602 is found in: Simple Receivers from Complex ICs. By Bill Parrott, W6VEH. ham radio (the now defunct mag.), November 1988, pp. 10-23. There's a nice kit containing an NE602 and experimenter PC board, along with copies of Signetics application notes, and some homebrew ideas, from DC Electronics. Kits of the NN1G rig, with nice boards, and all parts except knobs, jacks, and cabinet, are available from Dan's Small Parts and Kits, in Montana. I will post his address later (don't have it here now!). Hope this helps some that may be wondering ... :-) Have fun hammin' and buildin' !!! -- David W. Johnson QRP is FUN !!! Amateur Extra WA4NID QRP ARCI 6546 email: G-QRP 4864 packet WA4NID@KB4WGA.NC.USA.NA NorCal QRP Club Member! From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 15:43:20 1994 Return-Path: <>; Tue, 10 May 1994 14:43:31 CDT Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 14:43:31 -0500 (CDT) From: "JEFF M. GOLD" Subject: "Logger" To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: QRP X-Vms-Cc: JMG Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk A little while back someone posted to this group about the "logger" program from WB2QAP, Bruce Milne. This was in answer to requests to modify CT to work with ARCI contests. I sent off my $2.00 (yes that is the total price) and a formatted disk without a label on it. Very promptly I received a nicely packed padded envelop, with a nice thank you on a QSL card (saying Bruce hoped to see me during the next ARCI contest), and the disk was carefully wrapped in anti static paper and placed in a nice plastic single disk holder and professionally labeled. There are programs for ARCI and other QRP contests on the disk. You just copy them to your hard drive and they run. The program seems to run fine, looks easy to use and has a built in help section. Now in my opinion, this ham (Bruce Milne) is really putting something back into the hobby. I really appreciated all he did and look forward to not having to do the hand logging and hand reports during the next contest (the ONLY parts of the last contest I didn't like, besides the band conditions.. and I don't think his program had a section built in to take care of the band conditions). 73 Jeff, AC4HF PS... put the first board in the chassis for the Oak Hills Classic, dual bander.. this has been one of the best, most enjoyable kits I have ever built. PPS... just got the new S+S engineering 40 meter qrp.. little sister of the ARK 40. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 16:24:26 1994 Return-Path: <>; Tue, 10 May 1994 15:24:23 CDT Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 15:24:23 -0500 (CDT) From: "JEFF M. GOLD" Subject: QRP Plus SSB To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: QRP X-Vms-Cc: JMG Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk All, Still have not heard of anyone successfully using the QRP Plus for SSB.. anyone out there actually doing this.. or won't anyone admit to knowing how to use a microphone. HI HI. I am thinking about running QRP for Field Day.. figure if the University Club won't go for it, might run under my own call on a different part of campus.. think some of the students will be interested. Plan on running both CW and SSB. 73 Jeff, AC4HF From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 17:40:08 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Tue, 10 May 1994 14:39:46 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 14:40:00 -0700 To: qrp@Think.COM From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: Buying a "silly scope" Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I'm thinking of taking the plunge and buying an oscillisope for the home workbench. Two problems are price and weight. The first is self evident but my price range is around $300 to $400. This will let me buy products in two categories: new 25MHz BW Pacific rim scopes or reconditioned 50Mhz BW ex-military scope. The latter is >40lbs! The surplus scopes are a bit on the big side for appartment electronics. Observation of the Market: For example Tucker sells both: Phillips PM3212 $299 (25Mhz, not clear whether this is new or not?) Seems like a average simple dual trace scope useful for general HF work. AN/USM281A $329 (50MHz, surplus) This is a military HP180A with 1801A and 1821A plugins. Is this a solid state (or a hybrid) scope? It weights 43lbs. Goldstar OS-9020A $379 (20Mhz BW, new) Slightly poorer spec than the Phillips In 73 I also see advertised new oscilliscopes: B&K Precision 20Mhz $380 Seems similar to Goldstar. Hitachi 20Mhz $380 Not much info. Given my price limitation and an aversion to weight I'm looking for a desktop 'scope for general HF QRP work (signal tracing, quality, RF pkpk measurements, AF setup, etc). Suggestions and comments on the above scopes or other. Know of any dealers with good prices and good service? Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 19:38:01 1994 Return-Path: id AA14513; Tue, 10 May 1994 19:28:25 -0400 Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 19:28:25 -0400 From: Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: RE:Buying a "silly scope" Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP wrote: >>I'm thinking of taking the plunge and buying an oscillisope for the home >>workbench. Two problems are price and weight. The first is self evident but >>my price range is around $300 to $400. This will let me buy products in two >>categories: new 25MHz BW Pacific rim scopes or reconditioned 50Mhz BW >>ex-military scope. The latter is >40lbs! The surplus scopes are a bit on >>the big side for appartment electronics. I saw couple of Tektronics 475 (and others) for sale at the "Trenton Computer Fest" for $475. They are all in mint condition. Too bad I did not remember the name of the company. Many be somebody else on the mailing list see them. It was in the middle of the flea market area. Company like "Tuckers" normally charge a lot more than the little guys advertised in magazine like "Nuts and Volts". But then again, they claimed their scope are all calibrated (don't know whether that means anything, do you get your scope calibrated every year?). D.J. Wang, N2YKP/AA From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 19:42:46 1994 Return-Path: id AA24418; Tue, 10 May 94 13:38:13 HST id AA06295; Tue, 10 May 94 13:42:22 HST Date: Tue, 10 May 94 13:42:22 HST From: Jeffrey Herman To: Cc:, QRP@Think.COM Subject: re: 160M In-Reply-To: Your message of Mon, 9 May 1994 16:18:51 -1000 Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Gang: I'll let the cat out of the bag: The reason I was inquiring about 160M-only xmtrs is that I am not considering contructing a 160M beacon. The xmtr needs to be xtal-controlled. I've written to the FCC district office here in Honolulu about clarification of Part 97.203 which states that ``automatically controlled'' beacons are allowed above 28 mc. Now, we all know of the beacon sequence on 14.10 mc - two of the b's are in the US - are they manually controlled (whatever that means)? Did the FCC grant special permission? If so, then hopefully they'll grant me permission to operate a 160M b. I'll probably end up building a xtal-controlled 160M xmtr for this project - kind of specialized so I don't expect to find one commercially... Antenna will be a 130 ft vertical wire hanging from a building with a super-duper ground system. Comments welcome. Stay tuned. Jeff NH6IL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Tue May 10 23:16:21 1994 Return-Path: (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for!qrp); Wed, 11 May 1994 11:15:40 +0800 id aa13091; Wed, 11 May 94 2:21:54 GMT (Smail3.1.28.1 #7) id m0q13NE-000QAHC; Wed, 11 May 94 09:46 SST (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #4) id m0q13Vh-000GuuC; Wed, 11 May 94 09:54 SST Wed, 11 May 1994 20:48:03 SST Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 20:48:02 SST From: "W. Daniel" Message-Id: <2dd0d403.pandora@pandora.uucp> Reply-To: "W. Daniel" To: pandora!qrp@Think.COM Subject: IC-725 and 728 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi, Can anyone tell me what the difference is btwn. the ICOM IC-725 and the IC-728? Which is better for CW only operation? 73, Daniel -- +-------------+-------------------------------------+ | Daniel Wee | | ** Man needs more | UUCP1.12b | | than a new start, he | SNEWS 1.91 |!pandora!daniel | needs a new heart! ** +-------------+-------------------------------------+ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 03:52:43 1994 Return-Path: Message-Id: <9405110752.AA15683@Early-Bird.Think.COM> Wed, 11 May 1994 09:52:17 +0200 Wed, 11 May 94 09:46:15 +0200 From: Charlos Potma Subject: Going to S.CA., where to shop ? To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Wed, 11 May 94 9:46:15 METDST Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85] Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk hello all, on short notice I'm being sent off to a conference in Palm Springs, CA. next week. I will be there from 19-28 May. Being an avid radio-ham I would of course like the opportunity to at least 'shop around' for those parts and qrp kits which are hard to get and/or expensive in Europe. So, the question is: what places in Southern California would you recommend ?. Are there perhaps other 'events' I should try to attend ?. thank you for any info, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Charlos Potma PA3CKR ( RIVM - National Institute of Public Health and Environmental Protection Laboratory for Air Research Postbox 1, 3720 BA BILTHOVEN, the Netherlands tel. ++31 30 742362, fax. ++31 30 287531 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 07:48:19 1994 Return-Path: id AA06139; Wed, 11 May 94 07:51:43 -0400 Reply-To: bmitchel@CBA.Kodak.COM (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); Wed, 11 May 1994 07:46:55 -0400 Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 07:46:55 -0400 From: Brad Mitchell Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM, Subject: Re: "Logger" Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk > A little while back someone posted to this group about the > "logger" program from WB2QAP, Bruce Milne. > > This was in answer to requests to modify CT to work with ARCI > contests. section. > > Now in my opinion, this ham (Bruce Milne) is really putting > something back into the hobby. > >Jeff, AC4HF My 2cents.. Bruce i /has been involved with a local qrp bbs for some time now, and has really helped promote qrp locally! The board is accessible on packet in upstate NY via the candga node, conect to qrpbbs.. 73 Brad From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 08:44:02 1994 Return-Path: From: Edward Parish id AA07625; Wed, 11 May 94 08:43:45 EDT Date: Wed, 11 May 94 08:43:45 EDT Message-Id: <> To: Cc: qrp@Think.COM In-Reply-To: Kevin Purcell's message of Tue, 10 May 1994 14:40:00 -0700 Subject: Buying a "silly scope" Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I bought a used Tektronix 475 scope (200MHz BW) at Dayton for $425 (plus manual and probes). The 465 scope (100MHz BW) could be had cheaper. For the money that you are looking to invest, you should be getting better than 20MHz BW. Ed parish@Think.COM From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 08:56:56 1994 Return-Path: Message-Id: <9405111256.AA25068@Early-Bird.Think.COM> with BSMTP id 2689; Wed, 11 May 94 08:55:47 EDT Date: Wed, 11 May 94 08:48:49 EDT From: Greg Buhyoff Subject: Yaesu FT 840 To: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I would just like to second the opinions on the FT 840. It is an outstanding radio with a terrific receiver. I got mine about 2 weeks ago for $750.00 (brand new). I have had many radios including 940's, a 765, FT 1000, 735's, 751a's, 520's etc. Darn, this little 840 will really hold it's own. I have had unsolicited comments about the excellent cw note it generates. For the price I think it might be hard to beat. You CAN turn it down to 3 watts from the fron panel power control. I have not checked the amperage draw at that setting. Just two cents from a very pleased user ----- Greg KN4FR From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 09:11:32 1994 Return-Path: <>; Wed, 11 May 1994 08:11:33 CDT Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 08:11:33 -0500 (CDT) From: "JEFF M. GOLD" Subject: Logger To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: QRP X-Vms-Cc: JMG Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Here is the info that was originally posted about the Logger program: Bruce Milne, WB2QAP 2350 Clark Rd Penn Yan, NY 14527 send a formatted 3.5"(preferred) or 5.25" disk WITHOUT LABEL and two dollars (program is free..this is for mailer and postage) Think I did run it from floppy on an old XT (believe DOS 3.3) 72 Jeff, AC4HF From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 09:45:36 1994 Return-Path: Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 8:44:25 -0500 (CDT) From: James Speer To: qrp@Think.COM Cc: F_SPEERJR@CCSVAX.SFASU.EDU Message-Id: <940511084425.34205e5c@CCSVAX.SFASU.EDU> Subject: renovating bugs Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Having recently worked an OT who had that distinctive Great Lakes swing with his bug, I thought I'd try to get my old bug renovated and put it back on the air. I discovered that Vibroplex is still in business, and is still willing to overhaul their old bugs. Price is $25 plus parts and shipping. You send them your old bug plus daytime phone number, they call you with estimate for approval, then charge your credit card. Their address and phone: Vibroplex 98 Elm St. Portland, ME 04101 1 800 AMATEUR 72! Jim K5YUT From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 10:38:09 1994 Return-Path: id AA07988; Wed, 11 May 94 09:36:45 -0500 via Charon-4.0A-VROOM with IPX id 100.940511093654.352; 11 May 94 09:34:28 +0500 Message-Id: From: "Evert Halbach" Organization: Nicholls State University To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 09:36:46 CST Subject: HW-8 "Mods" Priority: normal X-Mailer: PMail v3.0 (R1a) Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I recently purchased a "HW-8" and am looking for a manual or book I think was advertised or talked about here recently. It is (I think?) a book put together strictly for modifications on the HW-8. Any information that will be of help to me locating a copy of this book will be deeply appreciated!!! Thanks, Evert WA5OJI P.S. Can anyone tell me what the output power should be on the "HW-8". Just wondering what to expect. Rig is on the way. Internet - Phone - (504) 448-4999 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 11:09:45 1994 Return-Path: ( 3.13) id AA15007; Wed, 11 May 1994 08:08:36 -0700 ( 3.3) id AA06365; Wed, 11 May 1994 08:06:12 -0700 From: "Stan Witherspoon" Message-Id: <> Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 08:06:11 -0700 In-Reply-To: QRP-Admin@Think.COM "QRP Digest V0 #93" (May 11, 3:33am) References: <> X-Mailer: Z-Mail (3.0.1 23feb94) To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: Re: Qre: Silly Scope... Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Mime-Version: 1.0 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Kevin, I have an HP 180C 50MHz scope (it's the rack mount version 7"Hx19"Wx~25"D ~50 lbs) and It works well for the hf and audio stuff I use it for. When I got it, it wasn't working, but a 2 watt resistor fixed that. It's all solid state and seems pretty well built. The only thing I have heard is to keep an eye on the power resistors on the circuit boards and to keep it clean. Dust builds up inside and the power resistors cook themselves. There's no fan to help circulation. I got mine at a HP junk sale (no, they don't seem to have them around here any more :-( ), so I am not sure of the going rate. I would keep an eye out at a ham swap. stan -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Stan Witherspoon N6SCE - Disclaimer - - Systems Technology Div. of Hewlett Packard - These are my personal opinions - - 8010 Foothills Blvd. - and do not represent the views - - Roseville Ca. 95678 (916) 785-5071 - of anyone or anything else. - - Email: ucbvax!hplabs!hprpcd!stan or - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 11:15:59 1994 Return-Path: id AA27900; Wed, 11 May 94 11:16:13 EDT by (PostalUnion/SMTP 1.1.5) id AA0.2851499664; Wed, 11 May 1994 11:16:15 EST Message-Id: <> To: QRP@Think.COM ( QRP) From: (Steve Hideg) Organization: Environmental Research Institute of Michigan Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 11:14:24 EST Subject: Butternut HF-6V Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Subject Butternut HF-6V Hello Gang! First, a big thank you to all who replied to me with recommendations for/against the Butternut HF-6V antenna. The response was truly amazing. I expected a couple of replies, but it was more like 20! I have purchased it, and I also got permission from the front office (N8ITM) to ground mount it in our back yard. A big thank you to Ron, WB8RUQ for picking it up while I was at the Dayton Rainvention. A question now is how to implement the ground radial system. My primary question is what to use for the radials. I have ruled out a grid of chicken wire, since I already have a lawn established in the yard. I can bury radials by cutting trenches either with a shovel or a garden edger (thanks Chuck). But what should I use for the radials themselves? One suggestion was aluminum electric fence wire. It is often available in 1/2-mile spools. Someone else suggested copper wire that has been "soft rolled" so it would easily contract and expand as the ground freezes and thaws. Also, it has been suggested to me that I only have to put radials out for the lowest band I wish to operate on. Another school of thought is radials cut for each band. Any recommendations would be appreciated. 72 --Steve Hideg, N8HSC From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 12:58:51 1994 Return-Path: id AA05318; Wed, 11 May 94 09:48:24 PDT id AA768674925 Wed, 11 May 94 09:48:45 PST Date: Wed, 11 May 94 09:48:45 PST From: Encoding: 1115 Text Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM, "Evert Halbach" Subject: Re: HW-8 "Mods" Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Evert: I know of a couple of sources of HW-8 mods. The first is the ARRL's "QRP Classics" book. Here you'll find mods for putting the HW-8 onto 30 meters and also a QRP "final". The other resource is Michael Bryce's "HW-8 Handbook", which is a compilation of HW-7, HW-8, and HW-9 mods from diverse sources (excluding QST). I believe this book is about $10.00, and can be obtained directly from Michael Bryce. He's the QRP columnist in 73 magazine (which publishes his address). If you don't have a copy of this magazine, let me know and I'll E-mail his address to you. I don't know of any other sources (besides random articles which appear in various magazines, such as that which appeared in the March '94 issue of QRPp (Northern Cal QRP Club)). If you learn of others, please let me know! 73, Jeff Anderson, WA6AHL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 14:14:54 1994 Return-Path: (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for!qrp); Thu, 12 May 1994 02:14:23 +0800 id aa18280; Wed, 11 May 94 17:45:18 GMT (Smail3.1.28.1 #7) id m0q1Hc2-000QAzC; Thu, 12 May 94 00:58 SST (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #4) id m0q1HU5-000GuvC; Thu, 12 May 94 00:50 SST Thu, 12 May 1994 12:11:55 SST Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 12:11:54 SST From: "W. Daniel" Message-Id: <2dd1ac8b.pandora@pandora.uucp> Reply-To: "W. Daniel" To: pandora!qrp@Think.COM Subject: QRP Index Plus Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi Gang, I've decided to go with the Index Labs QRP Plus rig as my main rig (poor man's main rig) and maybe add a QRO MOSFET amp to it when I need QRO. Is there anyone on the net I can talk to about buying the rig? I need to know the address, cost, whether VISA is accepted, availability, shipping costs etc. etc. Would be ideal if I could purchase over the net. I also need to know a little about the dimensions of the rig. Tks in advance for any help. Sounds like a great little rig. 72 es 73, Daniel p.s. when I use 73 only and don't include 72 on this list, I actually feel guilty :) -- +-------------+-------------------------------------+ | Daniel Wee | | ** Man needs more | UUCP1.12b | | than a new start, he | SNEWS 1.91 |!pandora!daniel | needs a new heart! ** +-------------+-------------------------------------+ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 16:14:36 1994 Return-Path: id AA08169; Wed, 11 May 94 15:13:07 -0500 via Charon-4.0A-VROOM with IPX id 100.940511151316.416; 11 May 94 15:10:48 +0500 Message-Id: From: "Evert Halbach" Organization: Nicholls State University To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 15:13:07 CST Subject: CQ CQ CQ Priority: normal X-Mailer: PMail v3.0 (R1a) Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I recently built a "oner transmitter" and put it on 80 mtrs. I talked to my buddy about 20 miles away but haven't had any luck making any other contact despite numerous "CQs". He was running 100 watts and was 10 over 9. I was hitting him at s9. I realize that 80 has been very noisy but seems as though I should have made at least one contact despite my bad cw sending. I guess I'm not as patient as I should be or should I try another band??? I would have built a filter and got on 40 but couldn't find the caps I needed so stuck to 80 mtrs. Anyone have a couple of spare 470pf caps they would like to swap??? I guess I'll continue calling CQ on 3.566 and 3.691 until my 9v battery dies. If anyone hears, please call me. I'm on pretty much every night at 00.00z for a couple of hours. Thanks, Evert WA5OJI Evert R. Halbach WA5OJI Internet - Phone - (504) 448-4999 Snail - P.O. Box 2168 Thibodaux, La. 70310 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 17:02:26 1994 Return-Path: Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 16:54:25 -0400 (EDT) From: Craig LaBarge Subject: Radiokit QRP Rigs To: QRP@Think.COM Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Has anyone had any experience with Radiokit's line of QRP rigs (QRP-40, QRP-30, etc.)? They appear to be similar in design to the MFJ rigs and a bargain at $99. Any info would be appreciated. Craig LaBarge WB3GCK From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 17:14:47 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Wed, 11 May 1994 14:14:23 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 14:14:39 -0700 To: Jeffrey Herman From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: re: 160M Cc: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Jeffrey Herman said: >The reason I was inquiring about 160M-only xmtrs is that I am not considering >contructing a 160M beacon. The xmtr needs to be xtal-controlled. >I've written to the FCC district office here in Honolulu about clarification >of Part 97.203 Don't take this wrong, but this is almost always a bad thing to do. Never ask the FCC for a judgement as whatever they say can become a precedent and crimp other peoples work in the future. Better to send a letter to the ARRL or ask the local ARRL organisation first. >which states that ``automatically controlled'' beacons are >allowed above 28 mc. Now, we all know of the beacon sequence on 14.10 mc - >two of the b's are in the US - are they manually controlled (whatever that >means)? Did the FCC grant special permission? If so, then hopefully they'll >grant me permission to operate a 160M b. Manually controlled just means there is a control operator watching them (they can still use automatic sending to send On what frequency where you planing on putting this beast? The 160m bandplan is somewhat complex (e.g. are you a DX station or a local station?). I would talk to some of your local 160m users and see what they think, especially as regards frequency choice. >I'll probably end up building a xtal-controlled 160M xmtr for this project - >kind of specialized so I don't expect to find one commercially... On a positive note :-) If you are looking for a low power TX for 160 Fair Radio Sales (419-223-2196) is selling off the Ryan Communications TX boards for 160 ($32), 80 ($23), 40 ($20) and 30m ($20). Thats about $10 off the original price. The 2" x 4" boards put out 0.75W to 2.5W with supply voltage of 10 to 16V DC. Need a key closure to ground to TX. They take a HC-6 -33 xtal. These boards got good comments in QRP column in 73 (very nicely built). 72/73 Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 17:22:15 1994 Return-Path: for <,> id OAA01482; Wed, 11 May 1994 14:21:37 -0700 for, id AA09470; Wed, 11 May 94 16:21:34 -0500 for id AA09377; Wed, 11 May 94 16:21:33 -0500 Date: Wed, 11 May 94 16:21:33 -0500 From: (Chuck Adams) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: K5FO back to Dallas Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Gang, I'm just too good. Trip cut short due to my finishing work and i need to get home. 1. K5FO Newsletter out the door, first class from CA, except for four or five who unfortunately sent me a picture of Abe Lincoln at the home QTH. You'll get yours mailed tomorrow. The K5FO QRP Newsletter is a monthly, not quarterly, newsletter. This will provide timely information. 20 pages per month including cover front and back. 240 pages per year in 9pt, same size font as the QRPp and I now know why Doug chose that size, even if it is hard on old eyes. :-) I started out with 75 pages, but decided on the monthly format to save some time and expense on postage, since I won't be able to do bulk mailing for some time. 2. There will be no, I repeat no, reprints from K5FO. Originals have been sent to Doug Hendricks, KI6DS, and he will do an annual issue of reprints, just like the QRPp and QRP ARCI QQ. 3. We don't make any money on this and neither does Doug. My cost per 100 copies is cover page = $3.00 + $1.79 = $ 4.79 4 pages = $15.60 plus texas taxes $ 1.68 ------- $22.07 $29.00 for postage Thus, $0.51 per copy. At 12 issues per year, this is $6.12 per subscriber. So, I'm losing money on this deal, but not to worry. After I win the $40M tonight in the Texas Lottery, no problem. :-) Issue was a week late, so start the flame wars. :-0 I just got good info at Dayton. It turns out that the St. Louis QRP group also does a monthly letter. I just changed the format and it took time to get editing done. It'll be worth the wait. The good news is that the next three issues are done. :-) until someone gives me something that might displace current contents. I'll be back. dit dit Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 18:21:06 1994 Return-Path: (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0q1Mcb-000MNdC; Wed, 11 May 94 15:19 PDT Date: Wed, 11 May 94 15:19:20 PST From: Mark E Gustoff Message-Id: <> To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: Re: Radiokit QRP Rigs Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Have one..................A pain to put together. A lot of after the fact modifications to make due to some component changes, back of the board wiring. There were a few holes not drilled in my board as well. Haven't gotten it working as of yet, but that's mainly due to frustration with the assembly effort. Have moved on to assembly and tune up of a kit from 624 kits. Had the whole kit put together, aligned and working in 4 casual evenings. Their kits cost $115 and is based on Gary Breed design. My feeling is it's a much better deal than the Radiokit version, even though you get a case with the Radiokit radio. I also like the NN1G MkII 20M kit sold by Dan's Small Parts and Kits. With a little prodding of MFJ (via phone or USPS) you may see them actually putting kit together for their CW and SSB rigs they sell. The president of the company is investigating whether there is a market for such a move, so you might want to drop him a note. ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Radiokit QRP Rigs Author: qrp-admin@Think.COM at Internet_Gateway Date: 5/11/94 2:20 PM Has anyone had any experience with Radiokit's line of QRP rigs (QRP-40, QRP-30, etc.)? They appear to be similar in design to the MFJ rigs and a bargain at $99. Any info would be appreciated. Craig LaBarge WB3GCK From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 19:07:59 1994 Return-Path: id AA18490; Wed, 11 May 94 16:07:35 PDT id AA24098; Wed, 11 May 94 16:07:35 PDT id AA16598; Wed, 11 May 94 16:09:20 PDT Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 16:05:31 -0700 (PDT) From: stark Subject: Sierra To: QRP Net Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Got the info yesterday on the new Sierra. Wow, looks like I'll have to spend some money! Was mailed the PM of the 9th and I got it on the 10th. Not bad. Will be gone for about a week. Down to Phoenix and then Kingman. No rig. But please, someone let me know how to turn this thing off while I'm gone. I lost all my notes. 73's ........................KU7Y........................ .................Monte "Ron" Stark.................. .................Sun Valley, Nevada................. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 19:44:14 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Wed, 11 May 1994 16:43:44 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 16:44:00 -0700 To: Jeffrey Herman From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: re: 160M Cc: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk [I also cc'ed this to the qrp list for interested readers] NH6IL asked: >Kevin: are all the Ryan boards xtal controlled? Yes, they're all xtal controlled. In fact the design of the XO makes it pretty much impossible to turn them into a VXO (again Mike Bryce in 73 followed this through). But you could add a VFO to squirt drive into the base of the XO, but this doesn't sound like what you want for this particular project. >Kevin: You mentioned Ryan Comm TX boards ( at great prices ) - who is >Ryan Comms and why are these boards going so cheaply? Initially they had a good price ($30 to $40 built). Their construction looks like a "milspec" board (the torroids are very neat an held to the pcb with nylon bolts. The board even has a glass fuse and fuse holder on it. I dunno why they got into the market originally. Probably seemed like a good idea at the time. >Are they kits? No, built and tested. Thats wither good news or bad news (depending on how much you like building!). >Do they make a 10M version? I can't remember. Fair Radio didn't advertise one. I should check the original ads. >These sound great! They sound ideal for your application. Perhaps a little underpowered, but then you could add a IRF510/511 MOSFET PA for very little money if you wanted more juice. >(is Hawaii DX?) If you live there, no (obviously!), but if you live on the East Coast its getting there and in Europe it certainly the first Oceanic country worked by most. Are you aware of how the 160m band plan works (the DX window and so on)? You can find out more about this from the "bible" ON4UN's book "Low Band DXing", now in 2nd edition from ARRL. This book is essential if you want to get into this field. Loads of equipment, antenna and operating ideas. 73 Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 20:48:27 1994 Return-Path: <>; Wed, 11 May 1994 20:48:12 EDT Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 20:48:12 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: Serria Specs PSE ! To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: INTERNET"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk If there ever were any specs posted on the net for the new Serria transceiver, I must have missed them - If some one has this lurking about in a file - I'd appreciate a reposting. I missed my chance for the full NorCal 40 kit and don't want to let the Serria slip by. Tnx - Bob - WA4ZID From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 21:14:50 1994 Return-Path: (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for!qrp); Thu, 12 May 1994 09:14:24 +0800 id aa20734; Thu, 12 May 94 0:47:55 GMT (Smail3.1.28.1 #4) id m0q1OMJ-000QAjC; Thu, 12 May 94 08:10 SST (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #4) id m0q1OW6-000GuwC; Thu, 12 May 94 08:20 SST Thu, 12 May 1994 19:42:22 SST Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 19:42:21 SST From: "W. Daniel" Message-Id: <2dd2161e.pandora@pandora.uucp> Reply-To: "W. Daniel" To: pandora!qrp@Think.COM Subject: 73 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi Gang, I can't remember where I read it but it seems that the cheering clap used at football games that go "CLAP CLAP clap clap clap clap clap clap CLAP CLAP" has a morse origin meaning 73 or Good Luck. This is post-war when people mostly understood morse. I was thinking, maybe we people should go "CLAP CLAP clap clap clap clap clap CLAP CLAP CLAP" :) 73, Daniel -- +-------------+-------------------------------------+ | Daniel Wee | | ** Man needs more | UUCP1.12b | | than a new start, he | SNEWS 1.91 |!pandora!daniel | needs a new heart! ** +-------------+-------------------------------------+ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 23:16:29 1994 Return-Path: id AA19500; Wed, 11 May 94 20:16:08 PDT id AA02369; Wed, 11 May 94 20:16:07 PDT id AA17831; Wed, 11 May 94 20:17:52 PDT Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 20:03:38 -0700 (PDT) From: stark Subject: Re: Serria Specs PSE ! To: Cc: qrp@Think.COM In-Reply-To: <> Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk On Wed, 11 May 1994 wrote: > > > If there ever were any specs posted on the net for the new Serria > transceiver, I must have missed them - If some one has this lurking > about in a file - I'd appreciate a reposting. > > I missed my chance for the full NorCal 40 kit and don't want to let the > Serria slip by. > > Tnx - Bob - WA4ZID Hi Bob, Here is a bit of what the letter has to say about the Sierra. Bit larger than the NorCal 40. One board construction, but adds band modules that plug into the main board. So far, band modules for 160-15m. Max output = 2 to 4 watts. VFO covers about 150 kHz on each band, using a stable air variable capacitor with built in 8:1 drive. Keying is shaped. RX includes an IF amp, providing greater sensitivity and a much wider AGC range. Current drain on receive, no signal, is still 30ma. Plenty of audio, now, to drive a speaker. Lots of interior and front and back panel space for additions of your own. They have complete kits for 80, 40, 30, 20 and 15 meters, as well as bare boards so you can build modules for the other bands. The manual will have a parts list and instructions for all bands. At present there are no other accessories available.(Suggestions?) At $160.00 plus $25.00 per band it sounds good to me. Bare band module PCB are $7.00. You should be getting the info sheet anytime now. I will be sending off for mine as soon as we get back from the grand kids etc. They say that with some ingenuity you can store up to four extra band modules inside the top cover! There is also a warning for first time builders that there are 8 u-wind-em toroids per band module. Plus that it might be a bit of a trick to get it working right without some test equipment. Hope this helps. NOTE: I am just a new member and have never built any of their rigs. Just a fellow who likes the sound of this rig. 73's ........................KU7Y........................ .................Monte "Ron" Stark.................. .................Sun Valley, Nevada................. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 23:17:03 1994 Return-Path: id AA02987; Wed, 11 May 94 23:17:49 EDT by (PostalUnion/SMTP 1.1.5) id AA0.2851542739; Wed, 11 May 1994 23:17:53 EST Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM ( qrp) From: (Steve Hideg) Organization: Environmental Research Institute of Michigan Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 23:12:19 EST Subject: Pictures Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Subject Pictures Gang, I am in the process of scanning photos I took at the Dayton Hamvention. The pictures include some of the folks on this list, as well as some of the toys. This includes some detailed pictures of the NorCal Sierra. I will put them out on an ftp site in both gif (8-bit color) and jpeg (24-bit color) formats. I should complete this in the next couple of days. I will post when the files are ready. 72 --Steve, N8HSC From qrp-admin@Think.COM Wed May 11 23:23:21 1994 Return-Path: Message-Id: <> From: (James M Fitton +1 508 960 2577) Date: 11 May 94 15:14:00 GMT Cc: (Arthur E Haley),,,,,,,,,, (James M Fitton),,,,,, (Michael E Dawson),,,,, (William K Mcnally), Original-From: mvubr!mvjf (James M Fitton +1 508 960 2577) To: QRP@Think.COM Original-Cc: mvgsd!mvaeh (Arthur E Haley),,,,,,,,,, mvubr!mvjf (James M Fitton),,,,,, mvgpk!mvmed1 (Michael E Dawson),,,,, mvgpk!mvwkm (William K Mcnally), Subject: QRP-NE Meeting Notes Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk A meeting of QRP-NE was held at Rochester NH on 5/7/94. with 23 attending the outdoor shouting meeting which lasted about 30 minutes. Next time we move away from the announcement loudspeakers. Attending were : Bill-NT1R, Carl-N1CUU, Steve-N1NPI Dennis-K1LGQ, Jim-W1FMR, Mark-NX1K, Larry-K1LO, Mike-N1IST Harry-W1LMU, Andrew-KA1YVX, Zack-KH6CP, John-KN1H, Mike-N1JYT Ernie-AA1IK, Richard-KD1BF, Jon-N1QOL, Michael-KC1SX, Chris-NV1E John-KA1FRT, Cheryl-SWL, Janice, Gail, Ed. Mark, NX1K talked about upcoming Field Day and recruited band captains for the event. This is my favorite club event. Anyone interested, please contact him. (Mark Swartout, 26 Harriet Ave, Shrewsbury MA, 01545) Dennis, K1LGQ talked about "72", the club newsletter, and encouraged club members to write articles. The newsletter deadline is June 5 (?) Dennis will take your article, make any corrections or needed changes for it to look terrific in "72". Put your thoughts down on paper, or on a disc, and Dennis will take care of the rest. (Dennis Marandos, 42 Cushing Ave, Nashua NH, 03060-1816) Bill, NT1R encourages members to write about activities and events in thier lives. Members enjoy reading about each other. Short autobiographies are especially interesting. Write a short QRP history about yourself, how you got started etc... and send it to Bill. Bill will also edit your story so it looks great in "72". (Bill Legge, 232 Foreside Rd, Cumberland ME , 04110 ) John, KN1H encouraged members to send technical articles to him and he will do final editing in time for the newsletter. Send it in any form and John, an expert at technical editing, will enjoy making your article presentable for the pages of "72". (John Collins, RR2 Box427, Cornish NH, 03745 ) Rich, KD1BF took photos at Dayton for the July "72" issue. We handed out flyers for the new NorCal Sierra, NorCal-40 partial kits, the upcoming QRP-AFIELD event 9/17/94, QRP-NE 40/40 kits, and "The History of QRP" by Ade Weiss, W0RSP. Flyers are still available ! Send a SASE to: W1FMR, Box 2226, Salem NH, 03079 We also announced that the trophy for the QRP-NE event; "QRP-AFIELD" was donated by Chuck-K5FO of the N.Texas QRP Club .....Thanks Chuck !! (See announcement in July "72") 2 members of the famous 40/40 "Kit Squad" were present: Mike-N1JYT and Ernie-AA1IK from VT. The club has been getting very favorable reports on construction and operation of the club kit transceivers sent out so far. Another run of kits s planned for July. (SASE for more info.) Used Flea Market rigs and prices seen in NH : TT 509 w/409 ampl. $350, Rough TT509 $260, Clean TT 505 $200, HW8 -fair $75, HW-7 $60, OHR Sprint $120, MFJ 9020 $130. Hope to see you all at Field Day, The beach meeting, Boxboro-MA, Hosstraders, or QRP-AFIELD. 72 Jim-W1FMR QRP-NE. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 00:44:25 1994 Return-Path: id AA09419; Wed, 11 May 1994 21:44:00 -0700 Date: Wed, 11 May 1994 21:43:56 -0700 (PDT) From: William Dumond Subject: New Sierra QRP RIG To: QRP@Think.COM Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Anybody out there have some specific info about the new Sierra qrp rig ????? I would like to know where I can go to get some specific info about it.Is there an internet address I can write to ???? I particularly would like to know how much it is going to cost ? What bands it will cover and what special features it will have. Also, when will it be available?? Thanks es 73 !! From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 07:06:21 1994 Return-Path: ( 3.13) id AA26386; Thu, 12 May 1994 04:06:06 -0700 ( 3.22) id AA00247; Thu, 12 May 94 07:05:57 -0400 From: Dan Goodwin KA1JML Message-Id: <> Subject: Dan's Small Parts To: QRP@Think.COM Date: Thu, 12 May 94 7:05:54 EDT Mailer: Elm [revision: 70.85] Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi I have seen Dan's Small Parts mentioned several times here. Could someone post their address? Thanks Dan KA1JML -- _____________________________________________________________________________ Dan Goodwin KA1JML | Hewlett Packard | Imaging Systems Division Voice: (508)659-2691 | Medical Products Group Fax: (508)686-7262 | _____________________________________________________________________________ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 07:32:21 1994 Return-Path: id AA05243; Thu, 12 May 94 07:32:20 -0400 Reply-To: bmitchel@CBA.Kodak.COM (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); Thu, 12 May 1994 07:28:00 -0400 Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 07:28:00 -0400 From: Brad Mitchell Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM, Subject: Re: CQ CQ CQ Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk > I recently built a "oner transmitter" and put it on 80 mtrs. I talked > to my buddy about 20 miles away but haven't had any luck making > any other contact despite numerous "CQs". He was running 100 watts > and was 10 over 9. I was hitting him at s9. I realize that 80 has > been very noisy but seems as though I should have made at least > one contact despite my bad cw sending. I guess I'm not as patient as > I should be or should I try another band??? I would have built a > filter and got on 40 but couldn't find the caps I needed so stuck to > 80 mtrs. > > Anyone have a couple of spare 470pf caps they would like to swap??? > I guess I'll continue calling CQ on 3.566 and 3.691 until my 9v > battery dies. If anyone hears, please call me. I'm on pretty much > every night at 00.00z for a couple of hours. > > Thanks, Evert WA5OJI > I experienced the same thing on the 80 meter band, .. until I got into the novice band.. Face it 80 is somewhat cw dead compared to other bands, and there is a wide open area for cw operation. But if you jam yourself into the Novice portion of the band, and send cq slow enough, you will make contacts! That was my exact experience. 73 Brad WB8YGG From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 08:50:26 1994 Return-Path: (IBM VM SMTP V2R2) with BSMTP id 6072; Thu, 12 May 94 08:51:26 EDT PORTLAND.CAPS.MAINE.EDU (LMail V1.1d/1.7f) with RFC822 id 7109; Thu, 12 May 1994 08:51:26 -0400 Subject: Circuit Board Layout Message-Id: From: COAKLEY@PORTLAND.CAPS.MAINE.EDU (Bob Coakley) To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Thu, 12 May 94 08:46:30 EDT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Does anyone have information on circuit board layout software? I'm getting tired of doing it by hand - it's time to move out of the 70's. I'd be interested in hearing about anybody's favorites. 73 Bob Coakley KX1E ( From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 09:09:16 1994 Return-Path: id AA21067; Thu, 12 May 1994 08:09:05 -0500 id AA02209; Thu, 12 May 1994 08:09:03 -0500 id m0q1aVi-0000eBC; Thu, 12 May 94 09:09 EDT From: (Jim Davey) Message-Id: <> Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 09:09:10 -0400 X-Mailer: Z-Mail (2.1.4 02apr93) To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: Re: RadioKit Comments Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Craig: I agree with Mark Gustoff's comments. I bought the 30m kit after I saw it at the 1993 Dayton Hamfest. What a mistake. I am no novice when it comes to constructing equipment, but I had to cut traces and install wire jumpers to get the board to match the schematic. The performance is also quite a disappointment. After playing with it for a while and not getting much power out of the PA, I finally put it on my spectrum analyzer to see what was up. The final was oscillating. I performed all the suggested remedies with only partial success. The leads of the final transistor are way too long. I made a special heat-sinking bracket that bolts to the rear panel and allows the transistor to mount on top of the board with short leads. It still breaks into an oscillation on first key closure. I suspect that this is related to the semi-break in system presenting an open circuit to the PA until the antenna relay is fully closed in the TX position. The receiver is also very noisy with lots of wideband noise from the i.f. amp appearing in the audio. It is very tiring to listen without the audio filter switched in. Summarizing, I would gladly have spent $50 more for a better engineered kit, or better yet, should have built one from scratch using one of KK7B's R2 receivers (QST April/May 93) and a W7EL type transmitter (Optimized QRP Transceiver). Jim Davey, WA8NLC From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 10:42:42 1994 Return-Path: (5.61/UUNET-internet-primary) id AA17314; Thu, 12 May 94 10:42:22 -0400 ; Thu, 12 May 1994 10:42:21 -0400 id AA19280; Thu, 12 May 94 08:18:32 EST From: ( Jim Osburn ) Message-Id: <> Subject: T-Kit 1056 To: qrp@Think.COM (QRP Mailing List) Date: Thu, 12 May 94 8:18:31 EST X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11] Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I posted this yesterday morning but never saw it come back. I suspect I pushed the wrong button. So, here it is again. I have finished building the T-Kit (Ten-Tec) No. 1056 CW-SSB Receiver that I purchased at the Dayton hamfest. It works well. I mounted my receiver in a plastic pencil box. The PCB fits nicely in the box. I thought I would have room to mount a frequency counter kit but I don't. There is room in the box for other future modifications and additions. The T-Kit catalog says this is your best buy, by far, in a ham band direct conversion receiver kit. Is it? Well, the price is $27.00 and in my opinion it's a good sensitive receiver. And it does come with all the parts for all the bands. Maybe it is a best buy. The T-Kit catalog doesn't tell you, but the kit manual does, that the receiver doesn't work too well above 15 MHz. I built my receiver for 40 m and it works well on that band. There are three IC's, an NE612 (equivalent to NE602), an LM358 and an TDA2611A. Because of the TDA2611A audio amplifier the receiver does have enough power to drive a speaker. Of course when your driving a speaker your battery consumption goes up. Using head phones will allow your battery to last longer. I measured the DC current at 12.3 V. When there is no audio, when the AF gain is turned down, current is about 50 mA. If there is a signal blaring away through the speaker, AF gain all the way up and a SW broadcast carrier tuned in, the current can be as high as 150 mA. If you use headphones the current won't be far from 50 mA even when your copying loud signals. I adjusted my kit to tune from about 6885 kHz to about 7434 kHz. I adjusted the bandset and bandspread knobs so that when they're straight up, that's about 7047 kHz. From there I can find my W1AW code practice session, which is probably what I'll use the receiver for most of the time. I can also tune in CHU to find out what time it is. With the bandset knob straight up, my bandspread knob tunes from 7012 kHz to 7082 kHz. This rig is varactor tuned and drifts a lot. The varactor tuning is regulated by a Zener according to the schematic, but I still expect some drifting around with battery voltage. But it is usable, you just have to retune every so often. The catalog speaks of 20 kHz bandspread, my bandspread is 70 kHz. Two parts were missing from my T-kit, a 100 kOhm resistor and a 68 pF capacitor. I had the resistor on hand and I paralleled the extra 56 pF and 10 pF capacitors supplied with the kit to get close enough to the right value. The parts supplied with the kit looked good. The circuit board is single sided and is not plated and does not have a solder mask. However, the circuit is not dense so you can get by without the solder mask. Be careful with the IC's though. The circuit board felt sticky to me. So, I think there is some kind of coating on it. The circuit board does have a legible silk screen for parts placement. Parts placement is easy since everything is kind of spread out. In fact, the PCB could be a lot smaller. There are however five pots soldered to the front of the board. The five controls are: RF gain, bandset, bandspread, bandpass, and AF gain. The bandpass control varies the center frequency of the the audio bandpass, not so much the bandwidth. The 24 page manual seems to be well written. There is one step for installing each part. The schematic is printed in the middle. I found one error in the schematic, it doesn't show the Zener diode. There is an introduction, features list, circuit description, parts list, x-ray view of circuit board, step by step instructions, initial test and adjustments section, power supply considerations section, operational and experimental features section, trouble shooting guide, getting to know the receiver section, what frequency am I on section, and a concluding note. The warranty is on the last inside page and the back cover has miscellaneous info. The rig receives signals well. Of course it is a direct conversion receiver and does suffer from the foibles of DC receivers. But it works well enough for me. 73, Jim, WD9EYB From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 11:19:39 1994 Return-Path: id AA07891; Thu, 12 May 94 08:10:13 PDT id AA768755437 Thu, 12 May 94 08:10:37 PST Date: Thu, 12 May 94 08:10:37 PST From: Encoding: 599 Text Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: Looking for S3528 & S3529 IC's Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Does anyone know of a source selling AMI's S3528 and S3529 switched capacitor filter chips? I'm trying to improve the selectivity in my HW-8, and currently use an outboard "Super-SCAF" filter containing these chips, but I'd like to roll this filter concept into a smaller form factor with friendlier human interface. Are there any parts houses that will sell these parts in small quantities? Thanks!! Jeff Anderson, WA6AHL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 11:21:57 1994 Return-Path: (Smail3.1.28.1 #2) id m0q1cYR-000MNOC; Thu, 12 May 94 08:20 PDT Date: Thu, 12 May 94 08:20:07 PST From: Mark E Gustoff Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: Addresses / Phone Numbers Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Text item: Text_1 Requested addresses/phone numbers below: 624 Kits 171 Springlake Drive Spartanburg, S.C. 29302 (803) 573-6677; ask for Pat, and tell him I said Hello. ===================================================== Dan's Small Parts & Kits 1935 So. 3rd West #1 Missoula, MT 59801 (406) 543-2872 Have Fun! 73, de Mark ....WO7T/QRP From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 11:28:25 1994 Return-Path: id IAA20721; Thu, 12 May 1994 08:27:46 -0700 for, id AA13467; Thu, 12 May 94 10:27:40 -0500 for id AA10256; Thu, 12 May 94 10:27:38 -0500 Date: Thu, 12 May 94 10:27:38 -0500 From: (Chuck Adams) Message-Id: <> To: (Steve Hideg) Subject: Re: Pictures Cc: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Steve, How much I gotta pay to keep you from posting my picture? :-) dit dit Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 11:37:21 1994 Return-Path: id AA26692 for ; Thu, 12 May 94 10:47:46 -0400 id AA26763; Thu, 12 May 94 10:51:33 EDT id AA27234; Thu, 12 May 94 10:51:33 EDT Date: Thu, 12 May 94 10:51:33 EDT From: (James D. Cronin) Message-Id: <> To: COAKLEY@PORTLAND.CAPS.MAINE.EDU Subject: Re: Circuit Board Layout Cc: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk >Does anyone have information on circuit board layout >software? I'm getting tired of doing it by hand - it's >time to move out of the 70's. I'd be interested in hearing >about anybody's favorites. > > 73 Bob Coakley KX1E ( Bob, I've used the shareware version of PADS PCB, and it works great. There's a schematic package and layout editor with forward and backward annotation. One of the nice features is the ability to define a parts list and net list "on the fly" in the layout package. The shareware version has limits on the number of component pins, but other than that its fully functional. PADS can also generate mirror image Postscript output, for those folks into the toner- transfer method of PCB production. PADS can be found on the Simtel mirrors and many other places. Just make sure you get it from a site that has all three .zip files. Some sites have just one, and it's no good. 73...Jim N2VNO From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 11:46:53 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Thu, 12 May 1994 10:43:32 -0500 id <01HC8Z4SL7Y8CF5KJ6@RANDB.ABBOTT.COM>; Thu, 12 May 1994 10:46:14 CST Date: 12 May 1994 10:46:14 -0600 (CST) From: Subject: Retuning AEA DX Handi... To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <01HC8Z4SL7YACF5KJ6@RANDB.ABBOTT.COM> X-Envelope-To: X-Vms-To: QRP GROUP Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk From: Kana, Michael (D9CY) Date: Thu, May 12, 1994 10:48 AM Subject: Retuning AEA DX Handi... To: QRP Group Howdy All I was wondering if anyone has been able to retune the AEA DX Handi Talkie (10m) to the upper 10 meter band. I would like to use it for RS10 downlink. Does AEA even service these things anymore? I think they were made by Mizuho or somesuch and are manifesting again as QRP handhelds for the other bands. 73's de AA9IL Mike Kana ************************* * CAUTION! DISTANCE AHEAD * ************************* From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 11:52:13 1994 Return-Path: for <,> id IAA24053; Thu, 12 May 1994 08:51:51 -0700 for, id AA13845; Thu, 12 May 94 10:51:48 -0500 for id AA10396; Thu, 12 May 94 10:51:47 -0500 Date: Thu, 12 May 94 10:51:47 -0500 From: (Chuck Adams) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: QRP ARCI Party Prize Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Looks like, at this point, Jeff Gold, AC4HF, is the winner of the Dan's Small Parts NN1G Kit. He worked K5FO (a major point to winning this prize :-) ), AC4QO, N8ET, KF2JH, NR3Z, NX1K, W5TFB, WA4VQD, and WB8RUQ, for a total of 9 (nine) stations on the internet. This is last call for someone with higher total. 1700CDT Friday 13th (seems appropriate) deadline, otherwise Mr. Gold will receive 30M NN1G kit from me to be mailed Saturday AM. Remember there was a chance for me to disqualify him as he gave me the worst signal report I've ever gotten in any contact in my life. :-) But hey, I'm easy to get along with. dit dit If he wants other than 30M, then it'll take time to get it shipped from Danny. Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 11:54:42 1994 Return-Path: id AA14334; Thu, 12 May 94 08:54:15 PDT id AA13893; Thu, 12 May 94 08:54:13 PDT Date: Thu, 12 May 94 08:54:13 PDT From: Roger Traylor Message-Id: <> To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: Re: Sierra rig, detailed info ? In-Reply-To: Mail from 'William Dumond ' dated: Wed, 11 May 1994 21:43:56 -0700 (PDT) Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Gang, William Dumond writes: >Anybody out there have some specific info about the new Sierra qrp rig >????? I would like to know where I can go to get some specific info about >it.Is there an internet address I can write to ???? I particularly would >like to know how much it is going to cost ? What bands it will cover >and what special features it will have. Also, when will it be available?? I got the info in the mail yesterday on the Sierra and it sure looks great. However, I would like to see some more specific info on the Sierra. What I am asking for is kinda of a verbal block diagram of the rig. i.e., "A grounded gate JFET RF amp drives the SBL-1 RF port. The mixer LO port is driven by a two stage VFO....." This kind of info will help us make a more informed decision about buying the rig. This is not to be considered as a judgemental, critical inquiry, I just want to make a good decision with my $160. I'm sure the rig will be a winner. Thanks, Roger Traylor WB4TPW From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 12:02:50 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Thu, 12 May 1994 09:02:16 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 09:02:32 -0700 To: qrp@Think.COM From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: Re: Serria Specs PSE ! Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I got my Sierra flyer yesterday too. My only critism would be that it had no technical details ... is this another NE602 based TxRx; how heavy is it?; what are its current consumption on TX and RX?; what type of xtal and AF filters are used?; is the RX design the same a NorCal? All the usual techie questions. As prototypes have been in use for a while I found this omission a little strange. Congrats to all who have been working on this project. Looks like it will be another big success. Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 13:32:01 1994 Return-Path: id AA13234; Thu, 12 May 94 10:21:07 PDT id AA768763743 Thu, 12 May 94 10:29:03 PST Date: Thu, 12 May 94 10:29:03 PST From: Message-Id: <> To:, qrp@Think.COM Subject: Re: Looking for S3528 & S3529 IC's Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I bought an S3528 and S3529 from A&A Engineering (no address/phone info handy, but they're in all the usual references) last fall. They used to sell SuperSCAF/SCAFjr kits and said they might again with the right prodding. 73 from Burnaby, laura VE7LDH From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 13:33:06 1994 Return-Path: by (PIPE/8.6.4/930326.1200) id NAA14460; Thu, 12 May 1994 13:31:57 -0400 Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 13:31:57 -0400 From: "Justin Rains" Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: Trap help.. Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Has anyone ever buily a antenna tOOPS!! using trpaps that will cover 10, 15 & 20m ? I am working on a dipole like this, but I am not having any luck. Any help on how to design an antenna like this is greatly appreciated. 73 de AA9KM Justin From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 13:46:19 1994 Return-Path: id KAA29801; Thu, 12 May 1994 10:44:51 -0700 Subject: More Sierra Info... To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Thu, 12 May 94 10:43:59 PDT From: Eric Swartz WA6HHQ X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL0] Message-Id: <> Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi Folks, I saw the Sierra and talked to Wayne, N6KR, at a NorCal meeting a couple of months ago. Here are my observations.... Its a NE602, single conversion, design similar to that in the NorCal40. Major changes on the RX side are an IF amplifier and IF derived AGC, and I think an extra set of poles, (read 2 more crystals), in the CW filter. The VFO is now tuned by a variable cap. with 8:1 reduction as noted in the flyer. On the TX side Wayne has cleaned up the keying waveform to reduce key clicks. Other than that, I think the general flow is the same as the NorCal40... Of course with the pluggable band modules it covers where ever you want!... Go for it if you're up to winding mucho torroids! (My check is in the mail...) 72.999, Eric WA6HHQ -- From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 19:34:01 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Thu, 12 May 1994 16:33:35 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 16:33:53 -0700 To: ( Jim Osburn ) From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: NE612 vs NE602 Cc: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Jim, WD9EYB, said: >There are three IC's, an NE612 (equivalent to NE602), an LM358 and an TDA2611A. I also saw a comment similar to this in Spring 1994 Hambrew (p44) hence this note. Is Bruce, WA6IVC, on this list? Have you made any quantative measurements of '602 vs '612 receivers? Looking at the datasheets the NE612 and NE602 differ in one major way: third order intercept point. Its about 10dB lower in the '612. I suspect that '612s are '602s that didn't make the spec but are still fine for less critical applications. However I don't think a 40m RXes falls into this category. With a little fiddling you can get up to 85dB SFDR from a '602 (with its -10dBm intercept point). Some design rules to follow are: * Make sure you have a no amplification before the '602. It has a noise figure of 5dB so you don't need an RF amplifier for the most h.f. bands. * Put an RF attenuator in front of the '602 for the lower HF bands. The external noise is higher than the front end noise. You want to set the gain so the noise just goes up when you add an antenna. Note that in the better '602 receivers (for example, the NorCal 40) these rules are followed and result in a simple RX with good performance and small power requirements. In fact the NorCal avoids an IF amplifier by using the gain of two '602 to its advantage. Most of the Neophyte RX designs never address these issues. Many moons ago (in QST Technical correspondence) one of the Signetics application engineers wrote a letter describing the best way to use a '602. Its someplace in my "ne602" collection of papers. 73 Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 19:49:21 1994 Return-Path: Message-Id: <9405122348.AA14733@Early-Bird.Think.COM> with BSMTP id 8627; Thu, 12 May 94 23:47:59 UTC with BSMTP id 8524; Thu, 12 May 94 18:39:18 CDT Date: Thu, 12 May 94 18:32:40 CDT From: Lynn Geitgey Subject: PADS To: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi Gang, Somebody out there was looking for a PCB cad pgm, and someone else to him to find PADS - all three files. Well, John Q. Stupid here erased the file without writing down any names (insert red face). However, if you have FTP access, you will find them at: /pub/msdos/cad 488615 2/12/92 1081636 2/12/92 1036461 2/12/92 They are available via anonymous ftp Hope this helps anyone who is looking for this program. 72 de KB0LRB Lynn Geitgey From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 20:56:35 1994 Return-Path: id AA02914; Thu, 12 May 94 20:57:26 EDT Date: Thu, 12 May 94 20:57:26 EDT From: (Ron Majewski) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: Telescopic Masts Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Fellow QRPers: I am thinking about buying a Rohn H-50 telescoping mast for use on Field Day. Does anyone have first or second-hand experience with this unit? Did you think it was well made? Do you have any hints/kinks to offer? Assuming light antenna loading, can you get away with guying every other section rather than every section? (I know this month's QST article recommends the latter) Are rope guys enough for FD? I'd appreciate any and all information you can share. Thanks and 72/3! Ron (wb8ruq). From qrp-admin@Think.COM Thu May 12 22:40:25 1994 Return-Path: id AA26829; Thu, 12 May 94 19:38:43 PDT Date: Thu, 12 May 1994 19:35:42 -0700 (PDT) From: "H. Ward Silver" Subject: Re: Telescopic Masts To: Ron Majewski Cc: qrp@Think.COM In-Reply-To: <> Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Telescoping masts are OK for light antennas, but get a good, hefty tribander on one and they are a you-know-what to push up. That usually leads to walk-up efforts and that usually leads to one or more bent sections. I know from experience. Try a practice session first. Guy every section...Murphy lives for wobbly poles. Rope guys are fine, even 3/16" nylon will work for two days. Happy FD! Ward, N0AX From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 01:22:18 1994 Return-Path: Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 0:25:47 -0500 (CDT) From: Adrian Weiss W0RSP English Department To: QRP@Think.COM Cc: Message-Id: <> Subject: HW-Mods Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi All! What a net! W1FMR just forwarded the digests and knocked my socks off with all the activity on the INTERNET QRP group. Fantastic! I've been out of action for a while, but am back in SD and getting back on the air with a 68-ft endfed, which had been up for a couple months before snow brittilized the 30-lb monofil which then snapped. Up again with 1/8-inch nylon rope, after which the wind snapped the Radio Shack #20 wire! Now it's all-out -- rope and #14! Actually, this message is in reply to Evert's query about an HW-8 mods book. I still have available reprints of my series of articles from CQ Mag. 1977-78, including: 1: Original test report / review article 2: "The Super-Modified HW-8 Contest Machine" pair of articles, which include: R.I.T., conversion of the relative power meter to a Breune in-line SWR/ wattmeter, extra couple of stages of audio selectivity for really narrow bandwidth reception, improvement of rx sensitivity on 15m, dial-light, speaker and etc. 3: additional items including p.c.b. for audio filter, replacement of original product detector, and some others bits and pieces. Cost: $8.00 /first class mail, from: Ade Weiss, W0RSP 526 N. Dakota St. Vermillion, SD 57069 Incidentally, I can now smile at everybody who gets SD mixed up with ND -- I now live at both QTHS! Also, while I'm at it, I should mention that my book "The History of QRP in the U.S., 1924-1960" is still available at $14.00 / first class mail. The reviews all raved -- if you're interested in the exploits of QRP operators, you won't be able to put it down, and once you do, you'll pick it up again and again. Now, that sounds like I'm plugging my own book, but the reality is that my book simply tells the pioneers stories in their own words, with a few comments from me. So, when I periodically pick the thing up and start reading and looking at the pictures and illustrations, I'm hooked again because I'm not reading my own stuff! One of the strange aspects of QRP-dom that I've noticed is that, by and large, QRP'rs are basically operators. The great thing about the last decade is the upsurge in construction. I'd like to think that a goodly percentage nowadays are like in the early days -- scrounging parts and putting together ugly-rigs which nonetheless span the continent and then some. Along with that comes the fantastic "esprit d'corps" shared by QRP'rs -- like W1FMR was describing in his round-up of Dayton activities. What I have been puzzled by is an apparent disinterest in reading about QRP -- things may have changed since I last checked. I don't know. But the fact is: WE go back to the very beginning of ham radio -- the QRO-types started coming around in the 1930's and pushing the little guys off the frequency. There were battles about it all. I really take much greater pride in QRP because I know how deep into the past my roots reach. There were guys way back in the 20's who talked about ham radio exactly the way I experienced it back in the 50's, and then the subsequent decades, and even yet. The common bond is QRP -- the confrontation of great odds and winning with a coupleof watts. Hey! that's how it started out for me, and I would not be a ham today unless I had rediscovered the mystery and thrill of communicating with QRP! OK, this goes a bit beyond my original intention to provide the info for Evert and other HW-8 owners. But I've just stumbled into a whole new world of QRP! I have a right to be excited and blab a bit! 73 to all ADE W0RSP ex-K8EEG ex-W3COB From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 02:18:19 1994 Return-Path: id AA05004; Thu, 12 May 94 23:16:30 PDT Date: Thu, 12 May 94 23:16:30 PDT From: (Doug Hendricks) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: FootHill QRP Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Foothill swap meet is this Saturday at Los Altos Hills College in the Bay Area, (San Francisco). Several NorCal members are going to meet at 10:00 at the hot dog stand for a chew the fat session. You are invited if you are in the area. I will have the Sierra, Digital Display NorCal 40, New England 40-40 and New England 30-40 rigs with me. Hope I get there early enough to not have to park on the hill!! On another note, I bought the Frequency Counter kit from S & S Engineering that Jeff Gold recommended, and they did not have one in stock at Dayton. I got it the Tuesday after Dayton, delivered via Priority Mail, which they paid for!! That is service. Dick and Kathy are nice people, and the service that they gave me is not unusual so I am told. Nice to have that happen. Also, I bought an Argo 509 from Jim Cates, WA6GER, several months ago. The end panels were loose, and I called TenTec to see if they had any new ones. They do, they shipped 2 of them plus replacement screws. Charge? $2.00, and they sent me a bill so that I could remit. I didn't have to send them the money first. Another nice company. From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 02:19:22 1994 Return-Path: id AA05008; Thu, 12 May 94 23:17:33 PDT Date: Thu, 12 May 94 23:17:33 PDT From: (Doug Hendricks) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: K5FO Newsletter Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk The K5FO newsletter came today. It is full of good useful information, and very well done. The subscription is way too cheap, $5 for a monthly that is costing Chuck more than that to produce. I am going to send him another $5 to keep him in business. I suggest that you do the same if you have subscribed for the $5 he asked. Chuck would never ask for more money, but let's face it guys, he is losing money on this and that is not right. If you want to subscribe, send him $10 instead of $5. When he started it was going to be a quarterly, but now he is doing it monthly, fewer pages, but it comes more often. Send your subscription to: Chuck Adams 830 Waite Dr. Lewisville, TX 75067 You won't regret it. 72, Doug From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 02:22:59 1994 Return-Path: id AA10645; Fri, 13 May 94 08:21:31 +0200 id AA04133; Fri, 13 May 94 08:23:24 +0200 for @dacls1:QRP@Think.COM id AA27980; Fri, 13 May 94 08:22:52 +0200 Date: Fri, 13 May 94 08:22:52 +0200 From: (Martin) Message-Id: <9405130622.AA27980@dacws2> To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: CW Activity Week in EUROPE Reply-To: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi QRP fans, Most of you are CW fans, too. One of the major CW clubs in Europe organizes an activity week that might be interesting for some of you. AGCW-DL ACTIVITY WEEK Date: Yearly in the week before Whitsun. 1993: 24th of may '93 to 28th of may '93 Time: Mon 00.00 UTC thru Fri 24.00 UTC. Frequencies: HF: 1,8 MHz to 28 MHz, including WARC-bands. V/UHF: 144 MHz to 430 MHz. Operation: CW only! Normal QSOs (no contest style) with exchange of RST, QTH and name. Don't use serial numbers! Remarks: Only straight keys, bugs and elbugs are allowed. Do not use any keyboards or any other kind of equipment encoding and/or decoding automatically. Disregarding this rule so will cause disqualification! The participant confirms the consent with the rules by putting a signature on the log. QSO Points: Every QSO will count one point. Final score: Sum of QSO points. Logs: The logs have to contain following columns: Call | Date | Time | Band | R S T sent | R S T rcvd | Name We would like to know what rig was used during this activity week. So please be so kind to add a small description of the rig you used. SWL Logs have to include both calls and at least one signal report! Sense of contest: during this activity week there will be no scoring in classes or bands but everyone reaching more than ten points will receive a contest testifying card and those OPs who reach more than fifty points will get an award. Deadline: Deadline is four weeks after activity weeks end. Please send your logs to this address: Falco Theile DL2LQC P.O. Box 56 D-04838 Eilenburg (Germany) Source: original info (scanned from hardcopy, slightly modified) 73 de IK2RMZ (EU CW Coordinator of AGCW) Internet: Hope to meet many of you .... Please give me a call, I'll be around From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 09:08:55 1994 Return-Path: <>; Fri, 13 May 1994 08:09:00 CDT Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 08:09:00 -0500 (CDT) From: "JEFF M. GOLD" Subject: Oak Hills Classic To: qrp@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: QRP Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi gang, I ended up working on the Classic a lot more than I expected last night. Before I knew it I had all the wires attached .. then put the ties on them. Didn't want to, but couldn't resist. Put the power on it and nothing smoked. Put the counter at the first alignment place and I think it was suppose to be set at something like 6.0000 I got it to 6.0002 Will have to live with it. .don't want to swap any parts. Went to the test loop to start to work on the VFO range. No count at the test loop. After I cleared up all the tears, started to stick the counter probe back in line till I found a pulse. Got oscillation all the way till the last transformer (toroid wound). The big problem with the kit is that Dick assumes you will make NO MISTAKES. By the time you test and power it up the whole thing is together and the wires are all tied down.. very almost not fun to try to fix. Finally found one leg of the transformer had broke off (or had a bad soldering joint). I bit of a pain to get the board out. Couldn't put it back in without major surgery. Finally took a leftover piece of leed from one of the components and managed to solder it directly to the next connection and up thru the hole and then to the leg of the transformer. Put it back together.. nothing at all this time.. after attempted suicide, I noticed a couple of the wires from the board had broken while I was fixing the other problem. Soldered them back up.. and all better.. got the VFO to the whole 100 range.. noticed the analog dial is VERY close to being on the money 14.050 on the dial reads something like 14.051.. may fix that. I checked and it read correctly on the 40 meter VFO.. heard static out of the headphones and the tune/op switch makes a beautiful sidetone.. may be on my way. PS. I was real impressed with how well the panels are painted. When you mount the knobs and then flip them to a different position (like switch from 20-40) everything lines up great. The RIT has a center indent. I like the fact that there are seperate straight key and keyer jacks. I really don't like headphones, have to see if I can mount a small speaker in the cabinet when I finishing getting it aligned. 73 Jeff, AC4HF the From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 09:56:52 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4); Fri, 13 May 1994 09:56:30 -0400 Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 09:46:51 From: (Ron Mills) To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: QRP Kits Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk A couple of days ago a posting was made about a kit currently available with a ship date of I believe, June 15. I was just wondering if anyone had more information about this kit (Lost the copy of the file sent), or any others that are currently available. What I'm looking for is a low power, easy to build kit (I've never built one before), with tx and rx on 40m. 73's Ron Mills N8ZBL |-) From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 10:08:19 1994 Return-Path: by ( id KAA09288; Fri, 13 May 1994 10:07:50 -0400 From: David Johnson Message-Id: <> Subject: trap dipole To: qrp@Think.COM Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 10:07:48 -0400 (EDT) X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL22] Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Length: 823 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk This is in reply to Justin Rains, who asked about a multiband trap dipole. You should be able to find info about these in any of several ARRL, or other, antenna book. One thing that you should keep in mind is to work from the center outward when doing the tuning. By this I mean to construct the center dipole with end traps first, tune this for operation on the highest-freq band, then add the next wire elements and end traps, tune up for this band, etc. If you try to string the whole thing together THEN do the tuning and trimming it will be a nightmare! Cheers, from a long-time antenna experimenter !! -- David W. Johnson QRP is FUN !!! Amateur Extra WA4NID QRP ARCI 6546 email: G-QRP 4864 packet WA4NID@KB4WGA.NC.USA.NA NorCal QRP Club Member! From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 10:27:01 1994 Return-Path: id AA12549; Fri, 13 May 1994 10:25:54 -0400 From: (Rich Richmond) Message-Id: <> Subject: PAD Problem To: QRP@Think.COM (QRP@Think.COM) Date: Fri, 13 May 94 10:25:53 EDT X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.3 PL11] Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I ftpd the PAD files and was able to unzip them okay. However, when I tried to install them, I got an error measge that the install program could not open a file. It did not tell me what file, it just went back to the DOS window. Has anyone had a similar problem? If so, what was the cure? Thanks Rich Richmond, N4AFX From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 10:55:31 1994 Return-Path: for <,> id HAA01688; Fri, 13 May 1994 07:55:05 -0700 for, id AA21171; Fri, 13 May 94 09:43:55 -0500 for id AA12995; Fri, 13 May 94 09:43:55 -0500 Date: Fri, 13 May 94 09:43:55 -0500 From: (Chuck Adams) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: The Winner IS? Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Gang, Hold the presses!! A new winner at this time is Bill K., N8ET, also a member of the Internet 2 team. He worked 17, yep, count 'em, 17 members of the Internet QRP mailing list. What a good job Bill. Ok, the count down is 7 hrs away. I truly believe that 17 is going to be the final winner. The big question --- did he work W8MVN????? Inquiring minds wanna know. :-) dit dit Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 11:00:04 1994 Return-Path: for <,> id HAA02039; Fri, 13 May 1994 07:59:35 -0700 for, id AA21264; Fri, 13 May 94 09:59:30 -0500 for id AA13016; Fri, 13 May 94 09:59:29 -0500 Date: Fri, 13 May 94 09:59:29 -0500 From: (Chuck Adams) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: K5FO Newsletter Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Doug just posted to the net that he got a copy of the V1#1 issue of K5FO's QRP Newsletter. Gang, do not send more money. Please. The deal was for $5 and that's the way I want to keep it for awhile. We'll make up the small loss at a later time. I'm not in this to make money. So, wait please. It's too much paper work for me. ANY paperwork is too much for me. :-) Also, for those who my now decide to subscribe. Please send a US reproduction of Abe Lincoln ($5 bill for the humor impaired) :-) to Twilight Publishing Co. 1301 West Highway 407, Suite 353 Lewisville, TX 75067 I know it's a pain, but I want to keep the mailings separate from all the other mail that I get. There is a reason for this madness. Some of you didn't listen and it cost you two to three days on getting yours. :-) Doug suggested that I go to a heavier cover stock and I will. I listened to the printer at OfficeMax ( a firm that both Doug and I use because they are the cheapest around and they do good work ) and he suggested the slightly lighter than #65 stock since it would not wrinkle when folded as bad as the heavier stock for the smaller pages, which is something that Doug never had to worry about. The June issue will go out the end of next week. I told you I had three months ready, but I'm not going to send 'em all out at once, then you'd have a dry spell. :-) Also, I'm not doing a table of contents yet, it takes too up valuable space. I'll do a free table of contents every year as a cross reference. We're looking at 240 pages per year, which is the same number of total pages in 4 issues of the QQ (QRP ARCI Quarterly, which may change soon). I will have projects and schematics. I'm working on the photo issues as we speak. dit dit from the swamps --- 4.65 inches of rain in two days from your hippy-dippy weatherman, I'm thinking of doing something for the clubs around. What if I charge a slightly higher fee, say $15 per year. The club gets a copy of the master unfolded and ready to reproduce, on top of that one copy as sent out with permission to reproduce for each member of the club. It may wind up being more expensive Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 13:14:41 1994 Return-Path: <>; Fri, 13 May 1994 13:08:50 EDT Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 13:08:50 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: ARCI Party Prize and.... To: QRP@Think.COM Message-Id: <> X-Vms-To: INTERNET"" Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; CHARSET=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk To Chuck and everyone else out there on the list: First - Many thanks to Chuck for sponsoring the prize for the most qso's with other list members - I had not realized how many I had worked til last night when I took Bruce's updated final list and compared it with my check sheet. Ten percent (17/168) of my qso's were with list subscribers.... and that number is growing - Seems like I remember working W0RSP, and he is on the list now also! To say "thanks" a bit more loudly, I would like to sponsor the next prize - I'll have to get my contest calander out and see what/when it is, and I will post something on the net as the time gets closer. It will not be the kit Chuck sends to me ( I intend to build that one!), but will be one of the Kanga Kits (there is a connection there). To answer Chuck's question about W8MVN - No - I did not work him.... I did not even work another Ohio station on 40..... I heard him - sounded like a dx signal on 20 coming over the pole during an aurora - lots of flutter. Thanks to all I worked int the test - see you all in the next one! 72/73 - Bill - N8ET From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 13:24:53 1994 Return-Path: (5.67b/IDA-1.5 for QRP@Think.COM); Fri, 13 May 1994 12:21:52 -0500 Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 12:18:01 -0500 (CDT) From: Andrew Arnett Subject: Re: PAD Problem To: Rich Richmond Cc: QRP@Think.COM In-Reply-To: <> Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk On Fri, 13 May 1994, Rich Richmond wrote: > I ftpd the PAD files and was able to unzip them okay. However, when I tried to install them, I got an error measge that the install program could not open a file. It did not tell me what file, it just went back to the DOS window. Has anyone had a similar problem? If so, what was the cure? > > Thanks > Rich Richmond, N4AFX > > I think PADS is the program that you need to unzip and make install disks out of. I worked it out myself what the install disks should look like (some of the files should be in subdirectories on the install disks) to get it to work. Since I'm reading during lunch, I'll find out what I did and email it to you sometime this weekend. Warning! I only worked this out for the schematic capture and library diskettes. I didn't even bother with the board layout. Easytrax (same ftp place as PADS) does a really good job of laying out thru-hole boards w/ no support for surface mount. :-( I never ran into any limit for interconnections with it like I did with PADS. It didn't take much to hit the limit with the PADS demo. 73 Drew kb9fko From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 14:20:04 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Fri, 13 May 1994 11:18:47 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 11:19:09 -0700 To: qrp@Think.COM From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: Wanted: Argosy II manual and options Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I bought a Argosy 2 (525D) at a flea market earlier in the year and am now getting around to playing with it. Its a fine rig but it was missing some options and a manual. I called Ten Tec they still can supply xtal filters (which match their current products): For the optional additional filter: 217 500Hz CW 8 pole 218 1.8kHz SSB 8 pole 219 250Hz CW 8 pole To replace the standard 4 pole filter: 220 2.4KHz SSB 8 pole These retail for $79 each (call 800 833 7373). My rig has the 4 pole SSB and an 8 pole CW (probably 500Hz by the sound of it). I will probably put replace the 4 pole filter with a 220 filter. They also have a xerox of the manual for $20 (which is a bit much). Does anyone else have a copy of the manual they can xerox for me or loan me. I'll pay your costs (it must be less than $20 :-). I'm also on the lookout for the noise blanker and audio filter boards. I guess the former is more important than the latter, as I have a few ideas for AF filters. I realise this is very poor odds but ya gotta try! TenTec don't keep back stock (just a few for board swap repairs). I'll be at the Apple Developers conference next week, so I may not reply for some time if I don't get your message before 5pm PDT. 73 and thanks in advance, Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 15:42:38 1994 Return-Path: Via:; Fri, 13 May 1994 20:42:09 +0100 From: Colin McPhail Date: Fri, 13 May 94 20:41:47 BST Message-Id: <> Subject: [RE: Looking for S3528 & S3529 IC's] To: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk > From: janderson@com.polycom > > Does anyone know of a source selling AMI's S3528 and S3529 > switched capacitor filter chips? I'm trying to improve the > selectivity in my HW-8, and currently use an outboard > "Super-SCAF" filter containing these chips, but I'd like to roll > this filter concept into a smaller form factor with friendlier > human interface. Are there any parts houses that will sell these > parts in small quantities? > > Thanks!! > > Jeff Anderson, WA6AHL In the UK these chips can be obtained in single quantities from Quarndon Electronics phone +44 332 32651 Slack Lane fax +44 332 360922 Derby DE22 3ED Six months ago the cost was 7.59 pounds + VAT (tax) of 17.5% each. The British Amateur Radio Teledata Group (BARTG) can supply a PCB and construction details for a switched capacitor tunable audio passband filter based on these chips. I've not built it yet myself but it's supposed to do great things for CW/RTTY reception. Regards Colin McPhail From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 15:46:26 1994 Return-Path: for <,> id MAA13083; Fri, 13 May 1994 12:45:57 -0700 for, id AA22760; Fri, 13 May 94 14:45:54 -0500 for id AA13771; Fri, 13 May 94 14:45:53 -0500 Date: Fri, 13 May 94 14:45:53 -0500 From: (Chuck Adams) Message-Id: <> To: qrp@Think.COM Subject: Photos of Dayton Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk One of the net members will shortly announce an ftp site with .gif and .jpg files of photos scanned in from Dayton. This member of the group did great work, since I've seen them and gotten them clear across the country. He has my vote for net photographer. :-) :-) ;-) Good quality and the photos of the Sierra and the NorCal 40 are great. You guys/girls will really start collecting the nickels and dimes for the Sierra, once you see it in color. This computer superhighway is just neat. Quick turnaround, but as we know, it is difficult to keep the signal to noise ratio high. Kinda like 40M at night in the winter. :-) dit dit Chuck Adams K5FO CP-60 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 15:57:11 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Fri, 13 May 1994 12:56:44 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 12:57:05 -0700 To: qrp@Think.COM From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: Propagational thoughts ... Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk A few things to think about... An interesting comment in an interesting article on using HF coomunications on Mars in the Spring 1994 Communications Quarterly. "Although it isn't intuitivly obvious, signal attenuation has no effect on ground range, only on singal strength at the receiver end of the path. In other words, the signal will travel wherever the ionosphere lets it, but may not be heard at the receiver because it is attenuated below the noise floor." Another two intesting statements (that might be good as rules of thumb): A hop (a reflection) has a loss of 0.5dB to 3dB Absorption in the ionosphere (mostly D region) for one hop can be up to 20dB. And as a someone else here said: To have a contact you need to get -100dBm into the receiver. This corresponds to a 10dB S/N in a 500Hz BW for an RX with 10dB noise figure. 73 Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 16:10:39 1994 Return-Path: id AA04633; Fri, 13 May 94 10:06:44 HST id AA18827; Fri, 13 May 94 10:10:19 HST Date: Fri, 13 May 94 10:10:18 HST From: Jeffrey Herman To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: [ (Robert Reid): QRP Projects file] Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Gang: Enclosed is a message from Bob VK7RD - he's placed my QRP circuits at his site so I have deleted them here. I am sorry to say that I have unsubscribed from the net; for the last year I've been hoping there would be more homebrew articles rather than kit-chat ( from `chit-chat' - get it? hee hee - I thought it was funny....). Each morning I have to wade through at least 50 emails (half are from the Boatanchors net). You folks are a wealth of knowledge though, so if you don't mind I'll occasionally subscribe, post a question, read the answers, then unsubscribe (thanks to Major Domo, whoever he is). .073, Jeff NH6IL --------------- (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for ); Fri, 13 May 1994 21:28:58 +1000 To: Jeffrey Herman From: (Robert Reid) Subject: QRP Projects file Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 21:24:43 +11 Message-Id: Jeff, I have put your QRP projects file on my ftp server. The site IP address is: Anonymous login will land you in the /pub directory - The /hamradio directory has your file and a readme file asking for any other homebrew QRP related stuff as well. I haven't allowed uploads under anonymous login for obvious reasons, but if anybody has something they would like to upload then they can e-mail me and I'll give them a temporary login so they can upload. I don't have the address here with me to send this info to the QRP group so perhaps you could pass this info on to there. 73s Bob VK7RD From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 17:01:35 1994 Return-Path: id AA09955; Fri, 13 May 94 10:57:45 HST id AA21683; Fri, 13 May 94 11:01:20 HST Date: Fri, 13 May 94 11:01:20 HST From: Jeffrey Herman To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: CW Hints Message-Id: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I never gave my thoughts on learning the code so here goes: I can thank the US Coast Guard Radioman School for increasing my speed; here's what they did: To graduate, one of the dozens of requirements was attaining a speed of 22 wpm, so from the first day of school all the characters were send at 22 wpm with lots of space between characters, i.e. initially the coded groups were being sent at maybe 5 wpm but the speed of each character was 22. Each week they'd just shorten the space between the characters while maintaining the same 22 wpm for each character. I hope that makes sense to you all. We were taught to `copy behind' - don't hit the typewriter key too quickly - lag behind a bit. I'd get around to typing a character while the NEXT was being sent. Oh, our typewriter keys were blank - we were learning touch typing at the same time we were learning the code. We only got to play with straight keys - the instructors all had bugs - we were all awed by those Vibroplexes. I believe we had to attain a sending speed also of 22 wpm. Coast Guard policy was that to use a bug on the job at one's duty station (after graduation) one had to have attained a RECEIVING speed of 25 wpm - sort of a reward. Keep in mind that most of those entering RM school had never learned code and were not hams. Their entrance scores (to get into the CG you have to take a battery of tests) were high enough that RM school was one of the service schools they could choose from. RM school had at least a 95% grad rate so their code methods were sound. I have to periodically remind those in the code/no code debate on r.r.a.policy of this fact, for some pro no-codes argue that there are some who CAN'T learn the code. Bull. So there. Those of you who read r.r.a.misc saw on this week's Newsline that a group of manufacturers of HF gear are going to start a petition to reduce the code speed to 10wpm so more hams have HF privs. Altruism, or more sales? Phooey. .073, <----- that's my QRP `best wishes' Jeff NH6IL From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 17:47:17 1994 Return-Path: (5.67a/IDA-1.5 for!qrp); Sat, 14 May 1994 05:46:59 +0800 id aa05072; Fri, 13 May 94 21:44:17 GMT (Smail3.1.28.1 #7) id m0q24W0-000QAqC; Sat, 14 May 94 05:11 SST (Linux Smail3.1.28.1 #4) id m0q24eu-000GuvC; Sat, 14 May 94 05:20 SST Sat, 14 May 1994 16:41:25 SST Date: Sat, 14 May 1994 16:41:25 SST From: "W. Daniel" Message-Id: <2dd48eb6.pandora@pandora.uucp> Reply-To: "W. Daniel" To: pandora!qrp@Think.COM Subject: Index Labs QRP+ Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Hi Gang, Can anyone e-mail me a scanner picture of the QRP+ from Index Labs? I wanna know what it looks like. Tks. 73, Daniel -- +-------------+-------------------------------------+ | Daniel Wee | | ** Man needs more | UUCP1.12b | | than a new start, he | SNEWS 1.91 |!pandora!daniel | needs a new heart! ** +-------------+-------------------------------------+ From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 18:47:53 1994 Return-Path: (5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for ); Fri, 13 May 1994 15:47:29 -0700 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 15:47:51 -0700 To: Jeffrey Herman From: (Kevin Purcell) Subject: Re: CW Hints Cc: qrp@Think.COM Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I know this might start a potential flamefest .... >Those of you who read r.r.a.misc saw on this week's Newsline that >a group of manufacturers of HF gear are going to start a petition >to reduce the code speed to 10wpm so more hams have HF privs. >Altruism, or more sales? Both perhaps? Recently a vote was taken for IARU region about a following up the idea of no-code HF language (New Zealand was first to propose this). It passed. RSGB voted against (as expected) and REF abstained (they didn't like the wording) but it seems that the other national societies know this is going to come. I think we'll see another change at the next major WARC. I'm sure that the ARRL and RSGB will fight it, but that has always been there way. QRPers particularly have an interest here, in getting squeezed between the QRO types futher down the band and the digital folks (whose ranks will swell with a no-code HF license). But what if they were power limited to 10W PEP SSB ..... instant QRPers! Think positive, because change will come. BTW I used to dislike the code but like a lot of people who have to learn it I now find it fun. If you have any tales on learning the code I'd like to hear them. I have a big interest in the psychology of learning the code. Another project/article in the works. I will be at Apple WWDC in San Jose next week. So don't expect a reply before I get back on May 24th. 73 Kevin Purcell, N7WIM / G8UDP (206) 649-6489 From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 19:49:55 1994 Return-Path: id AA22798; Fri, 13 May 94 17:51:55 MDT Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 17:51:54 -0600 (MDT) From: Rick Zabrodski Subject: qrp contest forum RAC 94 To: qrp forum Cc: reflector contest Message-Id: Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Since my main ham radio interest over the past 4 years has been qrp contesting I have managed to win the canadian honors on several occasions in the various contests (so has my arch rival, VE6SH who has yet to give me my copy of CT 9 that he picked up for me at Dayton.....psychological tactic?) Anyway, the first Radio Amateur Canada convention is here in Calgary this July and I have been asked to give my two cents worth on qrp as part of a contest forum. Apart from the basics and the recent NCJ/CQ article on qrp contesting I am asking you guys to share a personal secret or two with the masses (potential converts?) Any particular gems or things you think are important would be appreciated. By the way, the other forum I am doing is a solo effort on the effects of electromagnetic fields and your ham radio you suppose I operate qrp for just the challenge alone or could there be more to it? 73 and 72 ******************************************************************************----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Rick Zabrodski BSc, MD, CCFP(E) * VE6GK "glider king" EMAIL: * "M.D. on weekdays" Packet: * "Solar powered aviator Phone: (403) 271-5123 Fax: 225-1276 * on weekends!" ****************************************************************************** From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 20:58:55 1994 Return-Path: id AA12302; Fri, 13 May 94 18:58:49 MDT Date: Fri, 13 May 94 18:58:49 MDT From: (Richard G. Kellner) Message-Id: <> To: QRP@Think.COM Subject: Re: PAD Problem Cc: Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk I ftpd the PAD files and was able to unzip them okay. However, when I tried to install them, I got an error measge that the install program could not open a file. It did not tell me what file, it just went back to the DOS window. Has anyone had a similar problem? If so, what was the cure? Thanks Rich Richmond, N4AFX I had the same problem. You need to extract each of the "zip" files onto its own floppy diskette using the "-d" option. That option will preserve the directory structure which is in the "zip" files. Then you can install the diskettes one at a time - I did the schematic capture first, then the libraries, and then the PCB programs. Good luck ... Rich, W5RXP From qrp-admin@Think.COM Fri May 13 21:42:12 1994 Return-Path: Fri, 13 May 1994 21:41:50 -0400 (EDT) id AA08002; Fri, 13 May 1994 21:41:44 +0500 Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 21:41:43 +0500 Message-Id: <> Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: QRP@Think.COM From: (Robert Marlan) Subject: OHR spirit 40 for sale Content-Length: 231 Sender: qrp-admin@Think.COM Precedence: bulk Time for the annual shack clean out! I have a mint OHR spirit for sale. Nicely assembled - (if I do say so...) Aligned by Dick @ OHR Comes with built in curtis keyer. Will sell for best reasonable offer. thanks bob KA6NOC/1